Chapter 1565 Teeth Colors Are Different

There is still another person in the head teacher's office, a very serious little old lady with a poker face.

"English teacher!" Little Taotie exclaimed.

"That's right, it's me." The English teacher approached her and squatted down: "Open your mouth, and let me see what kind of dentures you used. They look alike."

If it wasn't for her good eyes, she wouldn't have noticed it at the time.

Hearing this, Little Taotie retreated immediately.

The little girl retreated directly to the door. If the teacher in charge hadn't blocked the door, she would have already run away from the door.

The English teacher smiled.

As everyone knows, the smiling face of her poker face does not look like a smiling tiger, but rather strange, like the sinister snigger of a villain, a smile that seems to be complacent because of something extremely bad.

Little Taotie shrunk his neck in fear, thinking that the current English teacher looked like an old witch who gave poisoned apples.

The head teacher took out a photo and showed a smile. She looks sweet and friendly, so this smile is also very friendly, but Xiao Taotie saw a touch of evil in it. For some reason, she always felt that the head teacher was holding The photos are not a good thing!

The homeroom teacher pointed the photo at Xiao Taotie so that Xiao Taotie could see the contents of the photo.

Little Taotie's height is limited, so she took care of him and lowered the photo.

Little Taotie: "!!!"

scare! ! !

The little girl's eye sockets were enlarged because of her fright, and her big eyeballs became darker and brighter. There seemed to be a galaxy floating in the sky under her eyes.

"this is not me!"

She immediately denied it, shaking her little head like a rattle.

In the photo held by the class teacher, a little girl opened her mouth. In this close-up, the color of the front teeth in the mouth is slightly different from that of the surrounding teeth, which seems to have a reflective effect.

If you don’t zoom in, you won’t be able to see it so clearly. Once you freeze the frame, once you zoom in, it will be very pale to explain everything!

"Isn't this little glutton?"


"It's not a good boy to lie."


"Such a cute little girl, isn't it you, Little Taotie? Don't tell me you have a twin sister?"

Little Taotie was defeated, with a bitter face, he lowered his head and admitted under the "kind smile" of the head teacher and the "smiling smile" of the English teacher.

"Yes... it's me."

"This cutie turned out to be Little Taotie, so why are the teeth of Little Taotie reflecting light? Can you open your mouth for the teacher to see?"

Little Taotie retreated subconsciously. This time, not only was the head teacher blocking the way, but even the English teacher came to block the way.

Little Taotie wanted to go left, but was blocked by the head teacher with a human wall on the left, wanted to go right, but was blocked by the English teacher on the right, and wanted to go backward, but the head teacher blocked her in another direction...

In the end, Little Taotie gave up, and with a bitter face, he could only tell the truth: "It's... yogurt cap."

"The yogurt cover?" The homeroom teacher was surprised, and coaxed: "Open your mouth, and the teacher will help you take it off, okay?"

Little Taotie hastily stretched out his little hand to cover his mouth tightly, and folded his hands together to cover it firmly.

The English teacher frowned.

It's not that they insist on torturing the little girl to show her a missing tooth, but that children are ignorant, sticking anything to their teeth, if they don't swallow it, it may cause fatal danger.

"Hey, let the teacher take a look, okay? What did you use to paste it?" The head teacher's voice was very soft.

Little Taotie shook his head vigorously, but he didn't want to let go, let alone let the teacher see the teeth.

(End of this chapter)

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