Chapter 1569 My sister can play the east lion
Gu Yixing immediately understood what he meant, raised his eyebrows slightly, and said with a smile: "A lot of friends from the media have followed me, and they are all outside the school gate now, why don't I invite them over and let them use professional equipment to take pictures of crying children , preserved forever."

Little Taotie's back moved, and the crying stopped when he listened carefully.


The whining sound of grievance was gone, only the unhappy wailing sound remained, and there was still a milky little milky sound.

Tao Bin rubbed his nose, he felt that his sister was cute is that?

His eyes drifted with guilt.

My sister's little milk voice... so cute!

If recorded...

Well!I will record it secretly, no one will know, right?

Tao Bin quietly pressed the recording button.

He showed a puzzled smile.

No one noticed his small movements, all the attention was on the little Taotie.

Qin Xin and Gu Yixing looked at each other, and licked their lips tacitly.

Little Taotie's back moved, they both saw it, and they both knew that the little girl must be struggling and shaking.

In order to let my sister have a bite to eat, the brothers have exhausted all means.

Gu Yixing is about to go out to find the paparazzi to shoot "big news"!
Qin Xin already asked for Xiao Taotie's account password, and logged into Xiao Taotie's D-tone account on the phone, "Okay, I'm going up, I'm going to start the live broadcast."

"It's my first time to be a D-voice anchor, and I'm still a little nervous!"

"Let me think about the lines, what am I going to say to my sister's fans later?"

Qin Xin smiled and said in a gentle voice, "Just say this: Hello everyone, fans of Xiao Taotie. I am Xiao Taotie's second brother. Next, let's get closer to Xiao Taotie's life and learn more about Xiao Taotie! Everyone must think that, Little Taotie is different from ordinary children, right?"

"Then you are very wrong, come on, guess what, what is your favorite little glutton doing now?"

"When the time comes, I'll focus my camera on my little sister's crying face, and shout: Dangdang~ It's time for the announcement. Please turn on the big screen and get a big crying cat!"

"No!!!" Little Taotie shouted in a crying voice, "No way!"

Qin Xin smiled and said, "Why isn't it a tabby cat? It's obviously a crying tabby cat. Look, your face is red and swollen from crying. You'd be ugly enough if you lost a tooth, but now you're still crying." Pig face. When the time comes, the camera will focus on your face and take a close-up shot, so that your fans can take a good look at it. Their favorite little glutton has a bad temper. His temper is stinky and hard, and everyone becomes ugly. , like a stubborn donkey."


"No no no no!!!"


"Boom!" A snot bubble burst.

The whole place was silent.

Tao Bin couldn't hold back, and was the first to laugh out loud.

"Hahaha, no, it's too funny, I shouldn't just be recording, I should be recording, it turns out my sister's snot bubbles can blow so big, hahaha..."

"...Recording?" Little Taotie was extremely injured, his big pupils were full of shock and disbelief.

Tao Bin immediately covered his mouth.

But it was too late, what should not have been said had already been said.

Come on, come on, my big mouth that doesn't lock the door!
Tao Bin can't wait to give himself a big mouth.

"Sister, listen to my explanation..."

Little Taotie turned his back, brewed his emotions, raised his head and let out a wail: "Wow——oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!

Tao Bin's legs, which were close to her to explain, became self-aware, kept stepping back, covered his ears tightly with his hands, and muttered softly: "Sister...can play the role of Hedong Lion."

(End of this chapter)

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