Chapter 1571 The most beautiful Snow White

Little Taotie's big round eyes stared at the little boy in the video, a little... familiar!
Gu Yixing was surprised: "You were quite cute when you were young, but looking at it this way, you look like a real brother and sister."

Little Taotie froze for a moment, raised his head, his big eyes changed from staring at the little boy in the video to staring at Tao Bin, as if he wanted to stare at Tao Bin like a flower.

Tao Bin met his sister's big shining eyes, as if he saw flowers blooming in these pupils, and saw the sky full of stars twinkling.

Is my sister happy?

What are you happy about?

Tao Bin touched his face. When he was a child, he was indeed white and fat, with a round face and round eyes. In addition, when he was eating, the pear dimples were sunken, and he was six or seven points similar to the little Taotie now.

But since I went to the mountains, the sun shines and I run all over the place, the baby fat on my face has long since disappeared, my skin has also turned into a wheat color, and my eyes have grown longer due to age. He used to be round and jet-black, but now his pupils are a bit amber in color.

Today's young man can still see the similarity standing next to Xiao Taotie, but it is only similar to the pear vortex and some vague outlines, only about three points are left, not the six or seven points of his childhood.

"My brother was like this when he was a child, he's even rounder than me! Wait, I'll show you!"

Tao Bin quickly found out the "black history" of his brother's childhood, and sold his brother in an instant.

In the video, the little boy is lying in a pumpkin-shaped rocking chair, wearing a plaid shirt and black overalls. He looks lazy like a sloth. His skin is as white as snow and his lips are red. , the eyelashes are long and dense and sparkling.

"I am Snow White, the most beautiful Snow White." The two-year-old boy announced loudly.

Tao Mo laughed loudly and let out a goose cry.

Tian Leran gave a dry cough, and Tao Mo's screams came out in the video, as if he had been trampled hard.

Tao Shen is the first child in the family, and she looks cute, and the whole family has expectations for the little girl, so when the brat comes, the women's clothes they bought when Ms. Liu was pregnant can't be wasted. Let the little boy play the role of the little girl, because of this, when Tao Shen was two years old, he was very vague about men and women, and once thought he was a girl.

His family dressed him as a little girl to go out, and some children came to give him things, which made him feel very happy to be a girl in women's clothes, because he could ask for what he wanted.

When he was a little boy, his family didn't take good care of him. They cared about him, but they didn't have the feeling of holding him carefully in the palm of their hand and pampering him. But when he put on a small skirt, his family's eyes were bright when they looked at him.

At an early age, he realized that the whole family liked girls!

Later, he read the fairy tales of Snow White, children always ignore the bad content, ignore the evil queen, and only see the good content, such as the seven dwarfs who were kind to her, such as the appearance of the rescuer Your Royal Highness, you will feel that Snow White is very happy and loved by many people.

So the little Tao Shen longed to become a princess.

This incident has also become his "black history"!
When he was about eight or nine years old, he destroyed all the photos and videos of women wearing women's clothing that he could find at home, but there were always fish that slipped through the net, such as the current video.

(End of this chapter)

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