Chapter 1579 Who Drives The Car
"What are you doing hiding here?"


Little Taotie pulled Hua Jinyan aside, looked back, and was slightly relieved to see that his brothers hadn't found them.

"Auntie was cheated by the sugarcane man, I'm going to save auntie." Little Taotie clenched his fists and declared fiercely, "I'm going to beat the sugarcane man until he cries!"

"Sugarcane man?" Hua Jinyan looked puzzled.

"You are so stupid, the sugar cane man doesn't even know what it means! The sugar cane is sweet when bitten down, but after eating, there is only scum, the kind of scum man who speaks sweet words and is very good at deceiving!"

Hearing this, Hua Jinyan's face darkened: "Who taught you this kind of thing?"

"Does this need to be taught? It's always done like this in TV dramas!"

Hua Jin said: "..."

"Okay, okay, don't delay my business, watch a few more TV series when you have time and study hard! I'm going to save my aunt!"

"and many more!"

Hua Jinyan grabbed the belt on her body, Little Taotie's stride was pulled back abruptly, she turned her head and glared at Hua Jinyan angrily, "What are you doing!"

"I will go with you."

"Besides, don't delay things, let's go!"

Little Taotie grabbed Hua Jinyan's hand holding her belt with his backhand, pulled him and pulled him away, Hua Jinyan was dragged into a trot, and raised his forehead: "Do you know where she is?"

Little Taotie raised his phone and said with a sly smile: "Auntie is worried about me, so she installed a location for me, and she installed it herself. We are the ones who locate each other. If we get separated, we can find each other through this program."

"Where is she now?"

Xiao Taotie zooms in on the map, the blue dot is located at an office building, click on the location of the office building and the overall picture of the office building appears, it is a tall building with a big clock on the top of the building.

"Is it the bell tower?" Hua Jinyan leaned over to have a look.

Little Taotie nodded: "She stopped here, let's hurry over!"

The two of them ran out while the family members were not paying attention. It wasn't until the door closed too loudly that the brothers realized something was wrong. Tao Bin was the first to react and asked, "Is that the sound of the villa door closing just now?"

Cheng Guodong frowned: "It's kind of like that."

Qin Xin stood up abruptly and rushed towards the door.

"What's wrong?" Gu Yixing chased after him.

Qin Xin frowned tightly: "We are all here, the nanny has already gone out, and now there is the sound of the door closing, either the little Taotie has gone out, or Hua Jinyan has gone out, there is also a possibility that the two little guys have gone out !"

"No way? Why did you go out without saying anything?" Gu Yixing quickened his pace.

Cheng Guodong and Tao Bin also chased after him.

When we got to the gate, we saw a car drive away as soon as we opened the door.

"Call the driver!" Qin Xin said to Cheng Guodong.

When Cheng Guodong was making a call, Tao Bin rushed upstairs and all the way down, a cat on his calf was pulling him tightly.

"Sister and Xiaohua are gone!" Tao Bin told them anxiously.

The driver's phone rang: "Hi, Mr. Cheng, I didn't leave the car."

"Aren't you the one driving?"

"not me."

"Who is that driving!" Cheng Guodong hung up the phone with a heavy expression on his face.

Qin Xin: "Hurry up and watch the surveillance video at the door!"

Cheng Guodong slapped his forehead: "Yes, I have someone install surveillance."

It can be seen from the video that Xiao Taotie and Hua Jinyan got into the car, but there was no third person in the car, and the car started by itself.

Tao Bin's eyes widened in horror, his voice trembling: "The two of them...who is driving?"

(End of this chapter)

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