Chapter 1584 Big Brother Brings Eye Drops

Just before they entered the elevator, Xiao Taotie saw A Piao and his wife floating back.

"Wait!" Xiao Taotie called them to stop, and patted the second brother on the shoulder: "Second brother, let me down quickly, they are back!"

"They?" Qin Xin shuddered and subconsciously put her down.

Gu Yixing's voice trembled: "Is there...A Piao around?"

Cheng Guodong was used to it, and nodded very calmly: "It should be."

Gu Yixing exhaled: "Brother, you should stay calm."

Cheng Guodong: "Just get used to it."

The corner of Gu Yixing's mouth twitched: "It's hard to get used to this kind of thing."

Qin Xin sighed: "It's better not to have this habit."

Cheng Guodong took out the eye drops from his pocket, and Gu Yixing jumped three feet away: "No way, you still carry this with you, what do you want to do?"

Just before Cheng Guodong took eye drops, Qin Xin stretched out his hand: "I'll take it first."

Cheng Guodong was helpless: "Aren't you afraid of cross-infection?"

Qin Xin asked back: "Your eyes are sick?"

Cheng Guodong shrugged: "That's not true."

Qin Xin was suspicious: "Then you are afraid that my eyes are sick?"

Cheng Guodong's eyes flickered.

"Oh~! His eyes are averted, second brother, he is afraid that you are sick!" Gu Yixing challenged.

As a result, the two elder brothers stared fiercely at the same time.

Gu Yixing: "..."

He made a zipper gesture to close his mouth: "Blame me for talking too much!"

Qin Xin teased while dripping the eye drops: "I'll order it first. If the eldest brother is afraid that I'm sick, you don't need to order it."

Cheng Guodong: "..." Why did he order it first!Obviously I brought it!
Qin Xin finished applying the eye drops, squinted his eyes to relieve the discomfort, and then fixed his eyes on the direction the little Taotie was looking at, and couldn't help gasping.

It's two Apiao.

One male and one female.

Compared to those scary ones, or those with black or gray smoke all over their bodies, these two apiaos are very decent, because they have no resentment or evil thoughts on them, and they are pure spirit bodies. Compared with ordinary human beings, they are more transparent A little bit, a little pale.

But they are floating there, which is somewhat scary.

Qin Xin kept calm and handed the eye drops to Cheng Guodong: "Brother, do you want some?"

Cheng Guodong took the eye drops and didn't order them right away, but asked, "Is it scary?"

Qin Xin smiled and said, "It's not scary."

Gu Yixing immediately exposed it: "How can Ah Piao not be scary!"

Qin Xin smiled and said, "Then you'll know if you look at it?"

Cheng Guodong handed the eye drops to Gu Yixing: "Why don't you order it first?"

Gu Yixing avoided a few meters away, shaking his hands wildly: "No, no, no, I'm sick, I have eye disease, dry eye disease... If it can't be transmitted to my brothers, I won't order it..."

"Hey! Coward!" Cheng Guodong shook his head amusedly.

A Piao's elder sister's husband respectfully reported: "They have already left this building, there is A Piao who lives in the bell tower, and saw that man and that woman say they want to elope."

"Elope?" Little Taotie's eyes widened.

After Qin Xin put on the eye drops, not only could he see A Piao, but because of the connection between his five sense organs, the effect of the eye drops opened up his ear consciousness, so he also heard A Piao's report.

Cheng Guodong immediately put on eye drops, he didn't hear what A Piao said just now, but he could see the solemn expression of A Piao and his wife now.

Because he wanted to get along better with his sister and get to know her better, Cheng Guodong did a lot of homework in private, such as binge-watching A Piao's film and television works, domestic and foreign, and he watched all the scary ones.

It was also because of watching a lot of horror movies that he developed resistance. After seeing these two not-so-scary Ah Piao, Cheng Guodong didn't feel anything, and even thought they were a little cute.

Seeing that the elder brother didn't look scared at all, Qin Xin couldn't help admiring: "It's still the elder brother who is bold."

Cheng Guodong raised his chin and proudly said: "It's actually very simple. I have thousands of horror movies in my notebook. I'll lend you to watch them. After you finish watching them, you'll be as bold as me."

The corner of Qin Xin's mouth twitched slightly: "Thousands?"

"Yes, there are both at home and abroad, and the ones I ask people to find are the scariest ones."

Qin Xin wiped off unnecessary sweat, "It's not necessary, I don't have time to watch, I've been busy recently."

Gu Yixing sneered: "Admit it if you are timid! How busy have you been recently? I see that you are at home every day, and you are very free!"

Qin Xin squinted his dangerous eyes and smiled: "The third brother is an actor. He needs to watch more film and television works and study hard. Why don't you lend it to the third brother first. Brother, I want to invest in a horror movie. I have already chosen the male actor." Alright, let the third brother act."

Cheng Guodong laughed loudly: "Okay, horror-themed works are very popular recently."

Gu Yixing: "Are you guys being polite? I agreed to be the male lead? I definitely won't do it! Refuse to cooperate!"

(End of this chapter)

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