Chapter 1586
Looking at the little girl's annoyed expression, the three brothers looked at each other, basically knowing what they were doing.

It seems that the nanny aunt left with someone voluntarily.

She is an adult, and any decision she makes is her own decision. If she is willing to go with someone, then it is not abducted, and it is useless to call the police.

"Sister, let's go back." Qin Xin picked up the little Taotie, and gently rubbed the little girl's swollen face: "Aren't you hungry? Go back and eat something delicious, what do you want to eat?"

Little Taotie buried his small face in his second brother's arms and muffled: "I don't want to eat."

"Don't want to eat? Do you want to drink?" Gu Yixing stepped forward, deliberately teasing his sister.

Little Taotie hummed twice: "I don't want to eat, and I don't want to drink either."

Everyone got in the car and went home, but Cheng Guodong didn't let people stop looking.

In the end, the two were stopped at the airport.

It was not the person sent by Cheng Guodong, but the person who instructed the man behind the scenes.

"Where are you going?" The man wearing sunglasses and a mask asked with a smile.

The voice is gentle, like an ordinary greeting to a friend.

But the auntie nanny felt the trembling of the man beside her holding her hand.

"We're just going on a tour."

"Travel? That's just right. I have a small island. Let's go and have fun together."

The man in the mask winked at the attendants behind him, and the four big men stepped forward to "please" the two of them to get into the car.

"Don't come here!" The man stood in front of the nanny and lowered his voice: "She doesn't know anything, it's useless for you to take her away."

"It's just taking you on a trip. Why are you so nervous? You make me look like a bad guy." The man in the mask smiled at his subordinates, his eyes curved, and his voice was gentle: "I am such a kind and great philanthropist, how can I be a good person?" What about the bad guys, don’t you think?”

"Yes, the boss is a great philanthropist, how could he be a bad person."

"Let's go, don't delay."

"Don't force me!" The man protected the nanny, his eyes sharpened, and he wanted to take something out of his waist.

Right here, a man next to the masked man shot.

"Hmph!" The man snorted, and was about to pull out the gun from his waist.

Taking advantage of his hands, four big men controlled the two of them.

There was a commotion after the gunfire, and someone came here to inquire about the situation, it was the police and security at the airport.

"We are performing official duties." The masked man took out his ID card, "These two people are suspected of trading in D products, and we will take them away now."

The police checked his documents and did not stop him.

Just when the man in the mask was about to take away the man and the nanny, Cheng Guodong got rid of the person looking for him and rushed over.

"So lively? What's going on here?" A man in the uniform of the armed police stepped forward, followed by a group of people.

The policeman explained the matter again, and the armed policeman stepped forward with a smile: "Hi, can I see the certificate?"

"After checking the documents again and again, it seems that Huaguo doesn't welcome us very much." The man in the mask shrugged and handed over the documents.

There is no problem with the special police certificate of country H.

After verifying the documents, the armed police soldiers did not let them go, but smiled and said: "These two are residents of Huaguo, one of them is a firefighter of Huaguo, and he has a public job. Are you sure you have not arrested the wrong person? You must know if If you wronged public officials, the incident will rise to a certain level, and you don’t want to make things worse, do you?”

"He's not a firefighter." The masked man's eyes turned dangerous, and he understood that the sudden appearance of these people was to stop them, and it's not so easy to take them away today.

If it is not necessary, he does not want to expose his identity on the border of Huaguo, but now that the documents are out, he must take them away.

Once he leaves Huaguo, it is impossible for him to come back. His identity has been exposed, and he will become a follow-up target if he comes again, which is meaningless.

"Yes or no, it's not up to you. This is his ID." The armed policeman took out the firefighter's ID, and the photo on it had been replaced with the man's face after plastic surgery.

The man looked at these soldiers in surprise and didn't know what to say for a while.

He was disfigured, and he was very angry when he heard that the lying businessman escaped from the country, so he felt resentful. Later, in order to restore his face, he promised many things to others, even changed his nationality, but in the end, protecting His, or his motherland.

For a while, it was difficult to distinguish between emotions, regret, sourness and bitterness spread...

The man in the mask was silent for a long time, and finally chose to nod with a smile: "We are willing to cooperate in the territory of Huaguo."

He looked at his subordinates sharply, "Hurry up and let him go, and actively cooperate!"

"Since you're here, I'll be the host, and I'll treat you to a meal." The armed policeman said.

The man in the mask shook his head with a smile, and said kindly, "No need, we're catching a plane."

"Boss..." Someone hesitated to speak, puzzled, when did they catch the plane?
The man in the mask glared at him sharply, and the man shut up.

"Since you're catching a plane, we won't send you off. Next time you come, don't enter the country silently. We will send someone to meet you when the time comes."

"Okay, thank you, goodbye." The man in the mask still smiled gently, but the moment he lowered his eyes, his eyes were extremely sinister.

When the people walked away, a little soldier asked, "Do you want to send someone to follow?"

"No need, since they left, they won't enter the country again, and there should be another group of people."

"Then these two..."

"Take it back first."

(End of this chapter)

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