Chapter 1609 Loulan's Color Ability

The task came as soon as it was said, Yuanyuan smiled and took Xiao Taotie's hand, "Let's go, test your acting skills, your appetite, the time to do the task has come!"

Xiangxiang frowned: "Little Taotie said on the D note that food should not be wasted and overeating, but she ended up competing with hungry ghosts for a bigger appetite. Everyone would think that she said one thing and did another, and would be blackmailed."

Yuanyuan: "So I say it's time to test your acting skills."

"What do you mean?" Xiangxiang blocked the way.

Yuanyuan smiled and said, "Don't worry, when she goes abroad, she will dress up in disguise, as long as she doesn't reveal that she is a little glutton, no one will be able to guess."

"The head agrees?" Xiangxiang frowned.

Yuanyuan raised her mobile phone, the task was sent to me by the leader of the head, and she also called the little Taotie to follow me to see and see, obviously the head also thought that the little Taotie was competent.

Little Taotie raised his head to look in the direction of the upstairs, and the little dimple sank slightly.

"Let's go, let's go to Loulan to put on makeup first." Yuanyuan took Xiao Taotie's hand and went to another team member.

Lou Lan is a makeup artist in the special department, and has the ability to pinch bones.

Lou Lan was lying on the wicker chair, eating melon seeds leisurely, when she saw someone coming, she looked up at Yuanyuan, "Are you going to dress up as a fat man again today?"

"Yes, dressed as a foreigner, and Xiao Taotie, who also participated in the operation this time, dressed as a foreign boy, so that no one would recognize her."

Loulan picked up the brushes on the left and right hands, and a faint colored light flashed. This is Loulan's special ability, which can pick up all the colors in the world. Her eyeballs are different from ordinary people. In her eyes, a single color is colorful .

Little Taotie knows that everyone in the special department has their own unique abilities, for example, she can see that A Piao cleans up A Piao, but she didn't know the specific abilities of other people before, but this time it opened a new world. world.

Sitting in front of the mirror, she watched her face begin to change little by little. The cheekbones of her round, fleshy face protruded, the small pear dimples disappeared, her big eyes became thin eyes with long tails, and the bridge of her nose was raised. , the whole face becomes full of European and American characteristics.

Little Taotie looked at the tabletop and then at Loulan, his big eyes were full of disbelief.

No props were used!

Xiao Taotie is a child star. Before the show, he will also go to the backstage makeup artist to change clothes, and he will be painted with some special effects, and there will be amazing changes, but they all need auxiliary tools. You can't see anything from inside, but if you look closely, the flaws are huge, and it looks fake at first glance.

Little Taotie leaned close to the mirror, looked at the mirror from the left side and the right side, and could not see any flaws, it was very natural, as if he was born this way.

Lou Lan groped her chin: "Change your hair color too."

As she spoke, she waved her pen a few times in the void, and the brush was dyed golden yellow. When the golden yellow touched Little Taotie's hair, that jet-black hair instantly turned into golden golden hair.

Lou Lan nodded in satisfaction, and pointed to the third wardrobe on the left: "There are the styles of children's clothing that are popular abroad recently, you can choose one by yourself."

Little Taotie was still in shock, she was pushed down in front of the closet in a daze, and then the closet door was opened, her eyes were attracted by the clothes in the closet.

All menswear for little boys.

In fact, this wardrobe was prepared for Hua Jinyan. Ever since she knew that there were two cuties coming from the special department, Loulan had bought a lot of children's clothes. She knew that they would be able to use them sooner or later, but she never thought that men's clothes would not be used by Hua Jinyan. , but it was first used by Xiao Taotie.

(End of this chapter)

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