Chapter 161 The Best Story

Tao Ti was held in Liu Mingzhu's arms, and she could smell the faint floral fragrance from Liu Mingzhu's body, which was very nice. She closed her eyes gently, listening to Liu Mingzhu's gentle voice.

Liu Mingzhu was telling the fairy tale about the ugly duckling.

"One by one the duck eggs were cracked... Only one egg was still lying there, not moving at all..."

Little Taotie opened his eyes, his curiosity welled up, he tilted his head and asked, "Did the duckling suffocate in the egg?"

Liu Mingzhu gently stroked her little face, shook her head, and continued in a soft and slow tone: "The ugly duckling that finally crawled out of the eggshell was big and ugly, and was pecked, excluded, and ridiculed everywhere, not only among ducks. , even among chickens..."

Little Taotie clutched his little heart, feeling uncomfortable, his little face wrinkled into a ball.

She remembered that she was not loved by her parents, and that no one in the village liked her...

I am like this poor ugly duckling.

"The mother duck wants it to go far away. The ducks peck it, the chicks beat it, and the maid who feeds the chickens and ducks kicks it, so it can only close its eyes and run away sadly..."

Little Taotie grabbed Liu Mingzhu's hand subconsciously, and asked nervously: "It has been driven away, will it starve to death?"

Liu Mingzhu held her hand back, as if to give her all the warmth and strength, "One evening, when the dusk was low, a group of beautiful swans flew out of the bushes. The ugly duckling had never seen such a beautiful bird, looking at them Feiyuan, both at a loss and envious..."

Thinking of the appearance of the swan, Little Taotie nodded, and agreed with the ugly duckling's opinion, and said in a childlike voice: "The swan is also the most beautiful bird I have ever seen, it is white, with a long head and neck, and it is much more beautiful than the big white geese in the mountains. Yes, though they are all white."

"Do you like swans?"


"Then this story will not disappoint you."

"Really, will the ugly duckling be happy in the end and won't be starved to death?"

"No, keep listening, you will definitely like it."

Little Taotie nodded obediently, tilted his little head, leaned against Liu Mingzhu's arms, and yawned lightly, but still tried to stay awake, wanting to finish listening to the story.

"...the farmer's wife beat it with tongs. Out of fear, it puffed up its wings and flew up!"

"Huh?" Little Taotie's eyes lit up, and his eyes were full of doubts, "Can ducklings fly?"

"Ordinary ducklings can't do that, but the ugly duckling is no ordinary duckling."

"Wow! That's great, it's a Superman duckling!"

Liu Mingzhu laughed softly and continued: "It flew into a big garden and met beautiful swans. It was afraid of being expelled, but it still mustered up its courage and flew into the water to swim to the beautiful swans." go."

" hangs its head and sees its own reflection. It is no longer a clumsy, dark gray, ugly and annoying duck, but a - swan!"

"Wow!" Little Taotie opened his mouth wide in surprise, his eyes sparkled with surprise, and he clapped his hands excitedly, "So it's not an ugly duckling, it's a swan, the most beautiful swan!"

"Many whooper swans swam around it and kissed it. Everyone said it was the youngest and most beautiful swan. The ugly duckling felt ashamed and happy."

"It makes a happy voice from within: 'I never dreamed of having so much happiness when I was an ugly duckling!'"

Little Taotie giggled, overjoyed, and excitedly said: "I like this story! This is the best story I've ever heard, and I like this story the most!"

"Good baby, the story is over, close your eyes and go to sleep?"

The little Taotie nestled in her arms, and asked softly: "Tomorrow, I want to hear the story of the ugly duckling turning into a swan again, okay?"

"Okay, if you want to hear it, I can tell you it every night."

With a smile in his mouth, Little Taotie fell asleep.

Liu Mingzhu gently stroked her hair, and murmured softly: "My little Taotie is also a swan that strayed into the duck flock, but it doesn't matter, the swan returns to Swan Lake, will never suffer from cold and hunger, and will become the happiest. little princess."

(End of this chapter)

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