Because Xiao Taotie and Yuanyuan are "brothers", naturally they cannot be separated, the little white man can only choose to be with the other person at the same table.

The person at the next table was so excited that he danced, "Brother, I'll treat you to dinner after the game!"

The little white man squinted at him: "After the game, can you still eat?"

"Uh..." This is definitely too much to eat!
The man who came over from the next table smiled awkwardly: "Anyway, I owe you a meal, and you can pay when you call!"

The little white man nodded: "Okay, I'll take you to the next flight."

"Thank you boss!"

The hourglass has run out, half an hour is up, and they basically form groups of two at the same table.

Due to the elimination of a large number of players, the store is very empty now, with many tables vacant.

As long as the two people at the table go to the new table by themselves, the original five tables will naturally become ten tables.

The chef asks the waiter to bring plates of high-calorie food to the table.

Burgers, French fries, chicken wings, chicken nuggets, corn, soup...

Some people had already barely won the previous game, and now their stomachs are full of bubbles and they are belching constantly. Now that they see such a table of greasy food, some people even feel sour.

"It's still too late to retire, at least it won't hurt your friends who teamed up with you." The waiter kindly reminded.

They have all reached the third round, and the tired round system makes them all look embarrassed, but thinking that other than themselves, other people may not be able to eat it, as long as they persist, they can win, with a fluke mentality, or unwilling to retire.

Therefore, no one retired.

The waiter shrugged: "The time limit is 10 minutes, finish the food in front of you!"

"Wait, isn't it a competition who eats faster?"

"What if everyone can't finish eating in 10 minutes?"

"I think there is something wrong with the setting of this game!"

The biggest reason why people with a fluke mentality did not withdraw from the competition is that the content of the first two rounds of the competition was to eat first and win first, and those who could not finish eating at the end would be automatically eliminated. If the content of the third round is still the same, then On the premise that everyone is full, the overall speed will slow down, and there will be time for them to digest.

Now set it to finish a large plate of food in front of you within 10 minutes, and you can't eat it at all!

The waiter shrugged: "It's not a competition in our store anyway. If no one in our store can challenge for the third round of victory, then all of them will be eliminated."

"How can we eliminate them all!"

"Isn't it embarrassing that no representative from this store went to the finals?"

"At least choose a champion to go to the finals?"

Some people became noisy, and the waiter said lightly: "If you are dissatisfied with the competition system, you can withdraw from the competition now. The system will not be changed because of your incompetence. If you are noisy, it doesn't mean that others are not good, and it doesn't mean that we are here. There is no champion."

The chef lazily said, "Whoever quarrels again will be eliminated immediately."

No one said a word.

At the beginning, it’s okay to not know who is in charge of the shop. After two rounds of the competition, many discerning people can see that this chef is definitely not just a chef, but a person with a lot of power to speak. He has already spoken , it means that it is a certainty, the system will never change, and anyone who quarrels will definitely be driven away.

"Since we have nothing to say, let's start." The chef said lazily.

The waiter starts the countdown: "3, 2, 1! Go!"

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