"Are you kidding me? Just looking at it? I can't believe it!" The man at the next table shifted his forehead: "This is simply superfluous."

"It's not redundant, because the last game will be broadcast live."

"Live broadcast?" The man at the next table immediately sat down and straightened his hair and clothes. "How do I look? Handsome?"

The waiter smiled and said, "It's very handsome."

The man at the next table exhaled: "It's a good thing I didn't retire, otherwise I wouldn't have the chance to show my face! Although I can't eat as much as you guys, I am the face value of our table!"

The little white man gave him a sideways look: "You're an idiot."

Little Taotie covered his mouth and snickered.

Yuanyuan nodded: "I agree."

The corner of the man's mouth twitched and he hurriedly asked the waiter, "Is there no live broadcast now?"

"The game hasn't started yet, it hasn't started yet, you can take a break, or go to the toilet, or sort out your image."

This is one of the reasons why the waiters have previously proposed to give them a break.

The waiter again offered to take a break, but was refused.

Little Taotie waved his hand.

Yuanyuan shook her head: "No need."

It is not a real face, nor is it a real image, so don't care about being ugly or not.

The little white man didn't care either: "That's it, no need to tidy up."

The man at the next table who changed his position actually seemed to look in the mirror, but everyone refused. He was originally a hindrance, and he couldn't be special, so he waved his hand: "No need."

"In that case, I'm counting down."

"Let's count down." The man at the next table urged.

"3, 2, 1, start!"

The live broadcast also starts at this moment!
At the same time, all the branches will be broadcast live, which is basically the last game at this time.

Because of the increase in the elimination rate from the second to the third game, there are very few people left in the fourth game.

In some places there is even only one person left.

So there's no need to even compete, and the bonus will be broadcast live, and this person will directly enter the finals of the main store.

Yuanyuan ate faster and faster, she no longer cared about her appearance, because she found that the little white man ate too fast, and she couldn't keep up.

I saw the little white man put a chicken wing into his mouth, and then pulled and twisted it. When it came out, it was a bone. It was like a humanoid chicken wing eating machine.

Little Taotie was also a little surprised, she still ate "elegantly", although the speed was accelerated, she still couldn't eat like the little white man.

Little Taotie lowered his voice: "We seem to be unable to eat him."

Xiao Taotie thinks that she can eat a lot, but the competition is based on time, and whoever eats the most in half an hour wins. In this way, she has no chance of winning. The current situation is that she eats a chicken wing, and the opponent has already eaten three times. How can this compare to a good meal?
Yuanyuan also knew that little Taotie was in a dilemma, but in fact she was also in a dilemma.

Originally thought it would be easy to deal with the opponent like before, but this opponent is really difficult to deal with.

She remembered that the little white man said jokingly to Little Taotie that he had been hungry for thousands of years!

Is it really a millennium starving ghost?
How can it compare?
The main reason is that this competition is not good. If it is a competition to eat more, several tables can be eaten, but now it is a bit difficult to compare who eats more in half an hour.

"Can you fill up the gas?"

Little Taotie made a bitter face: "I eat one, he can eat four now!"

He is getting faster and faster!

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