"My God, her eyes were really red!"

"Yes, I must have really cried!"

"But she looks in a good mood. What's the good thing?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, man!"

"What? Can you talk without such an inscrutable look!"

"Isn't it obvious? When a woman cries and fusses, the man agrees to everything. If the goal is achieved, the woman is of course happy!"

"Hiss! So... this melon is real?"

"My God, I can't believe it, my head really likes this kind of witch!"

"Easy, light, head down the stairs!"

Everyone shut up and went about their business.

Shen Cang went downstairs, searched everyone with cold eyes, and snorted: "Like eating melons? Huh?"

It's over!The head heard it!

Die!Do we live till tomorrow?

I can't see the stars tonight!

I can't see the moon tonight!

They all use eye contact, the same eyes, the same sadness...

Shen Cang said coldly: "I placed an order, and the melons delivered are all eaten up today!"

Shen Cang turned around and returned to the office, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you for not killing me!"

"I can see the stars tonight!"

"I can see the moon tonight!"

"Hey, how about enjoying the moon and the stars together?"


But they were too happy, and after a while, the delivery man came.

"Excuse me, who will sign for it?" The delivery boy probed his head, not daring to enter the castle, because he always felt that this place was eerie.

The youngest member of the department could only stand up and walk to the door, "I'll come."

The delivery boy was taken aback and started to make up his mind!
An ancient castle, a beautiful man with a pale face...a vampire! ! !
God, I want to run!

The delivery boy was shaking all over.

"What's wrong with you? Are you sick? Do you want to come in and have a sit?" After signing, the young man was ready to support him.

Unexpectedly, the delivery boy screamed, took the order and ran away, got on the big truck and drove away quickly, stepping on the horsepower.

"What are you running for?" The young man was at a loss.

The members who watched the play behind were whispering and laughing while covering their mouths.

"I just said don't ask him to go, he is too handsome."

"Guess what the delivery guy just thought up?"

"What did you think?"

A member of the special department with a bit of mind reading skills smiled and said: "He thinks there are vampires living in the castle, and the person who just signed for it is very handsome."

"So he thought the vampire was signing for it?"

"Hahaha, I laughed so hard, how about giving him a nickname in the future? Vampire Cai, how about it?"

"Xiao Cai went out to look at the goods? Why did it take so long?"

Everyone waited for a while, but no one came in. Some people wondered: "Is it an order from the head? Is it a melon? Why have you been here for so long?"

"Go out and see?"

"Go, go out and see!"

A group of people flocked out and were stunned as soon as they went out.

I saw Xiao Cai was loading melons, and I don't know where he found a handcart. At this moment, there were two big bamboo baskets on the handcart.

The delivery boy was also irresponsible, or maybe he was too scared and just wanted to run away quickly, so he opened the car to unload the goods automatically, opened the container and tilted it directly, and the melons rolled down one by one from the inside. All over the ground, many were smashed, and the ground was red, like a murder scene.

“Need to give a bad review!”

"Why do you give a bad review? Are you stupid? If these melons are smashed, we don't need to eat them. Have you forgotten what the head said?"

Immediately, someone recalled, "The head said, the melons that were sent were all eaten up today! Today... eat up? I'm going to die, I'm going to die!"

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