The real daughter, Xiaotaotie, became popular in the entertainment industry

Chapter 1638 Fortunately, the opponent is stupid enough

Chapter 1638 Fortunately, the opponent is stupid enough
Little Taotie didn't expect that the other party would play tricks, got up from the ground angrily, and "hungry tiger pounced" on the other party!
Yuanyuan wanted to stop her, but she was so full that she couldn't help retching even if she moved, and all the food had reached her throat.

"You're cheating!!!" Xiao Taotie was furious, because the other party had already stuffed the chicken wings into his mouth.

And the little white man didn't spit out the bones, but ate the bones crunchy too.

"As I said, don't be happy too early, it's easy to be overwhelmed with joy." The little white man swallowed, showing a mouthful of white teeth.

Little Taotie was angry because he ate the chicken wings, and laughed because he chewed the bones and swallowed them.

In the eyes of the online audience in the live broadcast room, they saw a handsome little boy change his face dramatically.

Just when everyone was wondering why the little Taotie was laughing, the little Taotie pointed to a pile of bones and laughed loudly: "Did you forget that the final result is calculated based on the bones, what difference does it make if you eat now or not? I Didn't win, but you didn't win either!"

The little white man: "..."

Seeing his deflated look, Little Taotie laughed even louder.

This seems a little too complacent, but Xiao Taotie is really happy. He thought he had lost, the mission failed, and he was extremely sad and angry. After all, the other party won by dishonorable means, but now It's not too late, I haven't lost yet!

Little Taotie has learned a lesson, not to be too happy in the future.

Don’t talk too much nonsense, just because I said a few words to the other party, I gave the other party an opportunity. If I didn’t say a word at that time, I just ate the chicken wings and ate the chicken wings, so I wouldn’t be robbed. Nor will it be close to losing.

Fortunately, the opponent is stupid enough!

The child's mind is too easy to guess, and the little white man is a Piao who has lived for thousands of years. At this moment, he can know what the child is thinking at a glance. In fact, he did not expect that he would be so stupid and forgot Bones are the key to victory, not eating chicken wings.

"Okay, don't laugh anymore." The little white man straightened his face, his face was quite serious, his eyes became sharper, and the initial kindness on his body was gone.

From the little Taotie's perspective, one can see gray-white smoke appearing on the other party's body. This is considered to be the hostility of a vengeful spirit, but it is not a real vengeful spirit. There are many things she doesn't understand. Her master left too early and hasn't taught her everything.

"I'm going to get serious." The small white man's sharp eyes looked in the direction of the chef: "Continue to serve!"

The chef shuddered involuntarily.

The store manager of Grandpa Mei was surprised: "Old classmate, why are you shivering?"

"Do you tube!"

"I think you don't know what to do, and I care about you."

"The dog takes the mouse to fake mercy, if you care about me, you can get out!"

"That won't work, I'm working now, and I have to finish my work."

"Heh, your job is to poach the wall?"

"Swinging a hoe is my forte."

The chef gave him a blank stare, frowned and asked the waiter, "Have you found the ingredients yet?"

The waiter shook his head: "The ones who went out to buy didn't come back."

The store manager of Grandpa Mei's main store smiled: "It's better to buy the ingredients of Grandpa Mei, it's guaranteed to be fresh and delicious, and the price is favorable! If you're not satisfied with the 99% discount, how about a 98% discount?"

(End of this chapter)

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