The chef was about to go mad with anger from this faceless and skinless guy, and frantically scratched his hair. There were already several hairs falling on the ground. If they fell at this speed, it would not take long before they would be not far from the Mediterranean Sea.

Little Taotie breathed out, she was full and a little sleepy, her eyelids drooped.

The face of the small white man opposite was getting worse and worse, and he became more and more impatient.

Consuming the spirit body to attach to this body is to eat, but the white man is a poor man, and with his savings, he can't eat a full meal. He happened to see a game with a big appetite, so he signed up for it. Trying to use this body to eat to the full, who knows that he still doesn't feel full until now!
So hungry, he has been starving in the underground palace for 1000 years.

After all the cracks appeared in the underground palace, and finally came out to have a full meal, why didn't the food be served!
Little Taotie shuddered, opened his eyes wide and looked, and saw that the white man opposite him had turned into a black man!
In the eyes of the little Taotie, a layer of black disgust has been attached to the skin of the white man, which is similar to the trend of blackening, but it does not look like an evil spirit in the true sense.

It may be that this soul body has not harmed anyone, so there is no cruelty, nor is it plagued by bad luck.

Little Taotie is a little curious about the origin of the other party, a Piao who has lived for a thousand years?

She had also seen Ah Piao who had lived for a thousand years before. He was such a powerful existence that even the ghost king would make a detour in fear.

I don't know if this A Piao is also the existence that makes the ghost king frightened?
Little Taotie wanted to ask him, but it was live broadcast, so she couldn't.

She pursed her lips tightly, trying to suppress the curiosity in her heart.

"When will the food be served!" The little white man slapped the table, and in an instant, the table fell apart!
This move scared the chefs, waiters, and the manager of Grandpa Mei's main store, including the audience in front of the live broadcast room.

[Just now... what happened? 】

[Break the table with a slap! 】

[This is the legendary Tathagata palm? 】

[Bull!The food eaten by the big stomach king is really not for nothing, people gain strength! 】

[It looks very small, but it has such explosive power, it's really a person who can't be judged by appearance, and the sea water can't be measured! 】

[To be honest, his physical strength and his own appearance really don't match. 】

【Yes, I think so too. 】

[It's because his appetite doesn't match his appearance. 】

[This person looks familiar? 】

[Hey, upstairs, do you know this master of martial arts? 】

[It's like my neighbor, a little poor guy. 】

[How do you say this?Poor thing?It doesn't look like a poor bug, does it? 】

[His parents remarried after divorce, and each had a child. He is like a redundant existence. He is always hungry, so he is thin and small, and he is always bullied at school. Anyway, we gave him The nickname is "Poor Worm"! 】

[Who dares to bully him?Didn't you see him tear the table apart with one slap? 】

[I didn't expect him to have this ability, it seems that he usually hides his clumsiness. 】

【If I were him, I would have beaten all those who bullied me. His temper is too good, and he still hides his ability. 】

[I find it very strange, he didn't have such a big appetite before, why did he suddenly become a big eater? 】:
[Could it be because I have been hungry all the time, and now I have a problem with my body, so I can't get enough to eat? 】

[It is true that there is a big stomach king caused by this kind of mental illness. 】

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