"Sister Yuanyuan, the skates are about to catch up!"

Yuanyuan couldn't laugh or cry: "This is the juncture, do you still have time to give people nicknames?"

Little Taotie blinked, looking very innocent.

Yuanyuan snorted: "You don't look cute at all, so it's useless to pretend to be innocent! Your explosive physique is too troublesome, if this mission fails, you, it will be difficult to do this kind of mission again in the future gone."

Little Taotie: "..."

The little girl pursed her lips, wanting to cry or not: "I didn't want to either, so I subconsciously... went to catch my fist."

"Forget it, you are also doing good deeds. If I were by her side, I would have shot. It's just that you are a child, and you caught the fist firmly. You are too showy. You must have been the number one on the hot search list!".
Just as Yuanyuan guessed, the post of "little man with great power in his small palm" has already become the number one trending search, while Grandpa Mei's trending search has been removed and dropped to the fifth place.

The first four are basically about little gluttons, about little men and big eaters.

The little Taotie sighed, the little man was old-fashioned, and spread his hands: "I don't want to be famous either."

The two speeded up, and finally got rid of the manager of Grandpa Mei's main store.

It's just that they still didn't see the little white man, and Xiao Taotie was sure that the little white man had just passed this road by relying on the remaining yin.

The two stood at the intersection, and Yuanyuan asked, "Where are we going?"

Little Taotie frowned, looked left and right, and fell into a daze.

"Can't tell the direction yet?" Yuanyuan asked patiently.

Little Taotie said in a muffled voice: "They all have residual yin energy, he did this on purpose, just to prevent people from finding him."

Yuanyuan frowned: "How about...separate search? No, no, forget it, you are a troublemaker, if something happens, I can't explain it, let's go, let's choose a direction to chase, we can't chase Let it be."

"I can't forget it, what if the mission fails..." Little Taotie said weakly, "Sister Yuanyuan, let's find each other separately."

Jiang Si chased over, thinking he would not be able to catch up, but unexpectedly they stopped at the crossroads, giving him time to catch up.

"Why did you stop here? Can't you find it?"

Yuanyuan nodded: "That hungry ghost intentionally left its breath on every road."

Excluding the direction they were chasing at the intersection, there are still three directions to choose from. In fact, as long as the three of them chase separately, one of them will definitely catch up to the hungry ghost.

It's just that Yuanyuan and Jiang Si are unwilling to let the little Taotie act alone. Firstly, the little Taotie is young, and secondly, the little Taotie really... has something on him, so he is afraid of some unexpected situations.

They vaguely felt that as long as Xiao Taotie acted alone, something unexpected would happen!

Little Taotie's two hands, one was firmly held by Yuan Yuan, the other was firmly held by Jiang Si, and he couldn't even slip away.

Little Taotie: "..."

The little girl drooped her head, feeling sorry for her.

If the task fails, it will be difficult to get the task in the future.

Grandpa must not believe in her ability to handle affairs.

Yuanyuan patted Xiao Taotie's head: "Don't be too sad, we can choose a random place to chase, maybe we will win? You choose, your luck will be better."

Little Taotie's dim pupils focused for a moment, and then became bright again. She raised her head and looked in three directions.

Every direction is full of Yin Qi, and it should be that the person ran aside, so it left such a false impression.

Which direction should I choose?

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