Chapter 1647 A Drop of Blood Pearl
Little Taotie reached out to touch the silver needle, Yuanyuan wanted to stop her, but was thrown away a few steps by an invisible thing.

"What!" Yuanyuan almost screamed.

She felt something draw on the back of her hand, something like fur.

Little Taotie apologized: "Sister Yuanyuan is Feng Qi's tail."


Yuanyuan felt that no matter how strong her heart was, she couldn't take it anymore!
Her feet were a little fluttering, Jiang Si stretched out his hand to support her, and whispered in her ear: "Calm down, even Ah Piao is following Xiao Taotie, it's good, there is no malice."

Yuanyuan took a deep breath: "Try to be touched by a tailed Ah Piao, I want to see if you can calm down!"

Jiang Si pursed her lips and looked at Little Taotie: "Let it touch me."

The little Taotie looked at Feng Qi, Feng Qi snorted coldly: "I don't want to touch a stinky man, he dirty my tail!"

Little Taotie: "..."

"What's wrong?" Jiang Si was puzzled.

Little Taotie showed a look of embarrassment, hesitated to speak, tried to imitate Feng Qi's tone and repeated: "Smelly...smelly man, my old lady doesn't want to touch...cough cough, dirty and dirty my tail."

The little girl said this in a childish voice, with a bit of stuttering and embarrassment in the middle, which was a bit cute.

Yuanyuan laughed, and the fear of being frightened by Feng Qi just now dissipated.

Jiang Si's face darkened.

Yuanyuan smiled and said, "He's a mermaid now, not a stinky man."

Feng Qi glanced sideways at Jiang Si, Jiang Si is indeed dressed as a woman now, but she is still a man at heart.

Little Taotie held the silver needle, and in her hand, the silver needle materialized.

Yuanyuan was astonished.

Just now her hand clearly passed through the silver needle, and the silver needle is more like an object formed by the shot light.

But in the hands of little Taotie, the silver needle actually materialized!

Looking carefully, you can vaguely see the little Taotie's finger holding the silver needle with a faint golden light enveloping the silver needle, and it is also because of this golden light that the silver needle can materialize.

The moment Little Taotie took the silver needle, several voices came from the distant farm house: "Hey!"

Among them was the thousand-year-old ghost, the voice of the little white man A Piao, and there were several different voices, which should be what the thousand-year-old ghost said, the one who liked to eat living things after being hungry for a long time.

Little Taotie picked up the silver needle and poked lightly towards his fingertips, because Feng Qi blocked it, Yuanyuan couldn't stop it at all, as soon as he got close, he felt a tail brushing his face lightly, Yuanyuan was numb from fright at that moment, It was precisely because of this fright that time was wasted, and the little Taotie had time to break his fingers.

A little bright red blood flowed down the silver needle and slowly condensed into a semi-solid bead, like a blood pearl.

This is just a change in the eyes of Xiao Taotie, Feng Qi, and those A Piao. In the sight of Yuanyuan and Jiang Si, Xiao Taotie took a drop of blood with a silver needle. changing.

Little Taotie didn't care whether it was dirty or not, and put the pricked finger into his mouth, "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

There was a faint smell of rust in the mouth, and because the wound was very small, the bleeding stopped quickly.

Saliva has a certain bactericidal effect, and in the current environment, it is also the only best way to stop bleeding.

The blood drops fell on the ground, and the silver needles slowly dissipated. The blood drops that sank into the ground seemed to fall into the sea without any splashes, but at this moment, there were several sharp and miserable howls from the farmhouse in the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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