Chapter 1649

When Shen Cang found them, those thousand-year-old starved ghosts were still desperately digging deeper into the cracks in the ground. The burning on their bodies did not disappear because they drilled into the cracks in the ground. Instead, the burning speed became slower, but it was still burning shrinking their size.

Shen Cang stood at the crack of the ground, his eyes dim.

As if feeling the coercion of the strong, none of the thousand-year-old starved ghosts who were arrogantly clamoring to eat life in front of Xiao Taotie, Yuanyuan, and Jiang Si did not even dare to scream or whimper. Issue the slightest.

"Come out." Shen Cang's voice came from the bottom of his throat, with a feeling of vastness and depth.

The buzzing sound from the nasal cavity is somewhat like the sound of an ancient bell, with a trembling sound that shakes the soul.

Little Taotie, Yuanyuan, and Jiang Si didn't change significantly when they heard this voice, and even felt refreshed.

But when this kind of sound fell into the ears of the spirit body, it was like a thunderbolt from the clear sky, as if a series of Sanskrit sounds hit the soul, and the sound waves could destroy the remnant soul.

"Please... forgive us..."

"We knew it was wrong!"

"We really knew it was wrong!"

"We hide underground for thousands of years, ten thousand years, and never come out again, let us go!"

The begging for mercy was like a mournful cry, but he didn't dare to shout too loudly, like a mosquito screeching.

"I don't want to repeat it a second time."

Hearing these words, Liudao Ah Piao floated out of the crack of the ground, feeling extremely embarrassed.

A Piao's soul is already quite transparent. If it is a software that sets the transparency, it is about 10% transparent. In addition to becoming extremely transparent and almost disappearing, there is a big hole in his stomach, leaving only an outline of the stomach That's all, and there is still a flame burning on the outline. Although the sparks are almost tiny, you can still hear the crackling sound like the flesh being fried.

The other five Apiao are better than him, but not much better, about 30% transparent, and there are large and small holes in their bodies that are burning.

Liudao Ah Piao covered his ears with his hands, all spirit bodies were trembling in the wind.

Shen Cang glanced over coldly, and the displeasure was directly brought out in his eyes.

Liudao Ah Piao saw the eyes full of displeasure and impatience, subconsciously, the same movement was to put down his hands, bearing the aftermath of the sound waves in the air on the spirit body, his body trembled even faster.

Shen Cang looked at them, just as he said on the phone, they were indeed thousands of years old.

Shen Cang looked around and stretched out his hand to feel the humidity in the air, not like feeling the humidity, but more like feeling the concentration of Yin Qi.

"Is it an alien domain?" Shen Cang whispered, shaking his head in self-denial: "It's not like."

Shen Cang looked at Yuanyuan: "Mission completed?"

The task Yuanyuan received was to win the competition. After winning the game, the starving ghost would escape from this body. At that time, the main target of pursuit would be this body. If the owner of the body can still come back to life, then It shows that the spirit body of the starving ghost did not destroy the body. If the body cannot be revived, it means that the starving ghost is a spirit body of hundreds of years.

Now that body is nowhere to be found, and it may have been wiped out the moment the thousand-year-old starving ghost left. This is the side effect of the overload of the thousand-year-old spirit body.

"Little Taotie won the big stomach king competition, but he is a thousand-year-old starving ghost, and his body has already been destroyed." Yuanyuan replied, pointing her finger at a Piao who had the same voice as the little white man.

Shen Cang nodded understandingly, and glanced lightly at that A Piao.

(End of this chapter)

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