Chapter 1659 Want to hold my wallet

"By the way, are you good at knife skills?" Old Chen asked.

Lou Lan nodded.

Chen Lao directly threw the cleaned pork liver to her, "Slice it thinner."

Loulan's tone was serious: "Please be accurate to the millimeter."

Old Chen shook his head: "You don't need to be so serious, cut it as you like."

"3 mm, what do you think?" Lou Lan asked.

Old Chen helplessly supported his forehead: "Sometimes you are like an old-fashioned academician."

Lou Lan: "Cutting things is the same as pinching bones, there must be no deviation."

"You people who study medicine, really... Forget it, don't talk about it, cut it up quickly, and I'll wash the green peppers and onions."

When the ingredients were all ready, Mr. Chen performed a wave of tossing the spoon, the movements were smooth and smooth, and it was done in one go.

When it comes out of the pot, the pork liver is steaming hot and exudes a fragrance. This fragrance comes from the fusion of food and pot gas. It is a high-level stir-fried dish.

"I didn't expect you to do it yourself. I thought you would go out and buy it."

"Are you kidding me? I made this pizza myself. Have you ever seen it sold outside?"

"It's true that no one sold it."

"Are you free?"


"Here, I will leave the task of kneading the dough to you."

The corner of Lou Lan's mouth twitched: "For my apprentice, it's not easy for me."

"When I went shopping just now, I heard that Yuanyuan and Xiao Taotie are both in your office. Which one is it?"

"you guess."

"It shouldn't be Yuanyuan. If it was Yuanyuan, she would have been under the family a long time ago. After all, Yuanyuan is not young and has been in the special department for many years. She should be a little glutton, right?"

"That's right." Lou Lan snapped her fingers.

Old Chen shrugged: "Unfortunately, there is no reward."

"Whatever Mr. Chen wants, let me see if I have it."

"You're a medical cosmetologist, do you have skin care products? Bring me some good ones, and I'll take them back to the old woman."

The corner of Lou Lan's mouth twitched: "I'm not a beauty doctor."

"Isn't it a plastic surgery? It's almost the same. I'm old, so I don't know these things anyway. Just say, are there any good skin care products?"

"I prepared it myself, do you dare to use it? It is a three-no product."

Old Chen hesitated, and asked worriedly, "Will it make you lose face?"

"How about this, I'll come to the door to show the old sister-in-law's skin quality and develop a set of skin care products for her."

"I have a feeling that I'm going to be locked up." Old Chen subconsciously covered his pockets.

This pocket is the wallet pocket.

"Do you keep giving away, or just give away one set, and then charge a high price to lock up my wallet."

"not expensive."

"This... is to collect money?" Old Chen's eyes became dangerous.

If the old lady thinks it's good after using it, she will definitely not like the one she used before, and she won't be locked up by then!

"Hey, it's really not expensive." Lou Lan grinned, "Trust me."

Mr. Chen immediately scowled and took the plate of fried pork liver away.

"Hey, where are you going?" Lou Lan, who was kneading the dough, didn't look away for a while, but could only watch him leave with the fried pork liver. When he came back, he had no fried pork liver in his hand.

"Hmph, you dare to take my money, go out and buy pork liver pizza, don't wait!"

Lou Lan: "..."

Lou Lan couldn't laugh or cry: "I'm just kidding! If the old sister-in-law uses it well, I will provide it for free, and I will always provide it, and I will never break my promise!"

Old Chen's complexion improved a bit: "Okay, your little apprentice can have whatever he wants to eat in the future."

The two reached an agreement, looked at each other, and were very satisfied with each other.

(End of this chapter)

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