Chapter 166

Little Taotie stretched out his hand to grab the kitten, but the kitten hid, and one of them didn't pay attention, and the whole body fell into the fish tank.

The kitten was flustered at first, but after a while it paddled smoothly in the water.

Climbing and swimming seem to be engraved into the genes, and a little kitty can already paddle smoothly.

Little Taotie stretched out his hands to catch the kitten, but the kitten dodged playfully and swung the water with his tail. Little Taotie's face was splashed with water, and he tried harder to catch the kitten, every time he scooped up the water, the water would splash on his body.

Tao Shen stepped forward to help, and managed to catch the crazy kitten.

Little Taotie saw the kitten struggling in Tao Shen's arms, pinched its ears angrily, and reprimanded it in a childlike voice: "You are too naughty, you are not good at all! You should learn from Little Ni and Mo, They never bothered me!"

Little Taotie is young, and his heart is broken for the kitten.

The old man wanted to laugh, but he didn't dare to laugh. He held back his laughter, his expression was almost distorted.

Qin Xin lowered her voice and said to Cheng Guodong: "I'll give her a dog on her birthday, what do you think of this idea?"

Cheng Guodong: "You are too hurt!"

Cheng Guodong's cell phone rang, and when he connected, he heard the surprise voice of PR No. 1 on the other end of the phone: "Cheng Dong, the TV station has found the 'Looking for the Heroine' program group, and the program is ready for stardom!"

Compared to broadcasting on the Internet, of course it is better to be on the stars, and the voting channels can be wider.

Cheng Guodong frowned: "It's just a small program, how could the TV station invite it?"

PR No. 1: "Video No. 3 has gone viral overseas, it's no longer a small program! It's just that the schedule is a bit tight, so in the next two days, can you take Xiao Taotie to record a program?"

Cheng Guodong resolutely refused: "Tomorrow and the next two days are study time, no."

PR No. 1 can talk about it, but it doesn’t make sense, so I can only take a step back and ask: "When will you have time?"

"I'll notify you." Cheng Guodong didn't give PR No. 1 a chance to speak, and hung up directly.

Qin Xin asked: "Is there an announcement?"

Cheng Guodong nodded: "I will ask her clearly if she is willing to develop in the entertainment industry before deciding whether to go or not."

The doorbell rang, Tian Leran opened the door, and saw Hua Jinyan who was carrying a schoolbag and a suitcase beside him.

"Ms. Tian, ​​my mother has gone abroad to participate in a business exhibition, and my father is in a hurry to join the group. Can I bother you for a few days and live with you?"

Parents are not there, there are nannies and aunts, and grandparents, if not, they will go back to Shaolin Temple, and it will not be their turn to stay at Tao's house no matter what.

Tian Leran is an old man, and at a glance, he knows that this little guy just wants to stay at home.

"You brought all your luggage, and I can't say no."

Tian Leran messed up his hair and laughed: "Ghost spirit!"

Hua Jinyan pursed his lips and let Teacher Tian ruffle his hair, looking very good.

"Let's go, let's go into the house first."

In the living room, Cheng Guodong squatted down and looked at the little Taotie, and asked patiently: "You are not short of money, and you have a lot of savings in your account. If you don't like being an artist, we can stop doing it at any time."

Little Taotie didn't understand why the eldest brother suddenly became so serious, tilted his head and said, "I eat a lot, is the money in the account enough for me?"

Cheng Guodong: "..."

Honestly, not enough!
Cheng Guodong coughed dryly: "Don't worry about it, you can eat and drink, you have enough money! Just tell me honestly, do you like being an artist or not, don't force yourself."

 Second update~
(End of this chapter)

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