Chapter 1661 Three Plus Two Bouncy Balls
"Ah?" Lou Lan was full of question marks, and looked at Chen Lao with doubts, "Chen Lao, do you know what butter is stuffed with persimmon cakes? Is there such a dessert?"

An old glutton is an old glutton, Lao Chen smiled and said: "I know, the snack guy has a little sense."

"Will you do it?"

"Of course!"

Lou Lan was relieved, and said to the little Taotie on the other end of the phone: "Wait, the teacher will come to you with delicious food!"

The phone hung up, Xiao Taotie was stunned.

Yuanyuan was puzzled: "What's wrong with you? Why are you in a daze?"

Little Taotie tilted his head, and said in a childish voice, "You call her Mrs. Lou, is she your teacher? Will she be my teacher in the future? What subjects will you teach me?"

"Teacher is just an honorific name, and it doesn't really mean what subject she taught us." Yuanyuan explained.

Little Taotie's eyes were full of doubts: "But... it sounds like she is going to be my teacher."

"No, it's impossible." Yuanyuan waved her hand: "She is a famous old witch, and some people wanted to learn from her before, but she didn't want to accept apprentices at all, and she used those who came to her door as coolies. , and finally those people ran away."

Little Taotie frowned: "But..."

Yuanyuan squeezed her small face: "Okay, don't think too much, what can she teach you? Is it teaching you to change your face, or teach you to be a weird psychologist? Are you interested?"

Little Taotie was confused by the pile of questions thrown at him.

Seeing that incense sticks were about to appear in the little girl's beautiful pupils, Yuanyuan laughed: "Don't think so much, you can eat pork liver pizza and persimmon cake butter later, are you happy?"

Children are very forgetful, and once the topic changes, they immediately stop thinking about it.

She nodded vigorously: "Happy! I'm looking forward to it!"

The butter was sliced ​​into thin slices, and Chen Lao removed the heart from the persimmon cake, leaving only the skin and a layer of pulp.

The persimmon cakes are cut into slices almost the same size as the butter.

The next step was to assemble it. Mr. Chen didn't do it himself, but asked Lou Lan to do it.

Lou Lan was once again treated as a coolie.

Lou Lan was a little helpless, she used to order the juniors to do this and that, but in front of Mr. Chen, she became the junior who could be ordered around.

Stack the persimmon cake and butter, three layers of persimmon cake, two layers of butter, it becomes a piece of three plus two.

"That's it? Don't you need to do anything else?"

Mr. Chen shrugged: "If you don't think it looks good, you can also squeeze the stacked ones into small round balls, which will be more convenient to eat, one bite at a time. The square ones need to be bitten, and the persimmon cakes are a bit sticky to the teeth. It sticks to the front teeth, and it's not very elegant to eat."

Lou Lan felt that it made sense, so she wrapped the sticky "three plus two" with plastic wrap, and then kneaded it into a ball.

The orange color has a sense of transparency, with a crystal clear layer, followed by a light yellow milky layer, then a layer of persimmon cake, and a layer of butter, surrounded by a ball star, which looks like a bouncy ball, but it is quite beautiful .

Lou Lan couldn't hold back her curiosity, and put a bouncy ball of persimmon cake butter into her mouth.

I thought it would be a bit hard, but after being kneaded into balls, the persimmon cake and butter melted a little due to the temperature of the hands, reaching the best tasting temperature.

This is a bit like the concept of sushi. When it is kneaded, it is very particular about the hand temperature of the sushi chef. The reason why most sushi chefs are men is that the hand temperature of men is lower than that of women, and the sushi they knead will taste better.

(End of this chapter)

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