Chapter 1667

Lou Lan came to Shen Cang's office on the top floor. Shen Cang expected her to come back and asked, "Have you finished accepting disciples?"

"She called me teacher."

"If there is no positive answer, this matter does not count."

Lou Lan curled her lips: "You can't hide anything from you. The main reason is that I think the name of master and apprentice is false. As a teacher, I can teach her some skills, which is the most practical."

"When did you become so reasonable? Not like you."

"Don't hurt me."

"to be frank."

Lou Lan sighed: "I think I can teach her skills, I can hear her call teacher, but I am not qualified to hear her call master, do you understand what I mean?"

Shen Cang and Lou Lan looked at each other, took a deep look at her, and nodded slightly: "I see."

"You understand?"

"Isn't it just inferiority?"

"Hey, make it clear, whoever feels inferior, I'm just humble! It's humility!"

"Don't be so loud, I can hear you, keep your voice down."

"Am I going to yell, you're the one pissing me off!"

Shen Cang shrugged: "Okay, I understand, you go out if you have nothing to do, don't disturb my work."

Lou Lan rolled her eyes: "Pretend, you're just pretending! When I came in just now, I saw you reading comics, don't think I didn't see that you hid the comics in the drawer."

Shen Cang: "...There is a case where the serial murderer is a cartoonist."

"Is it for investigating the case?" Lou Lan looked skeptical: "Are you fooling me?"

"It's nothing, please go out!" Shen Cang raised his voice.

Lou Lan sighed: "The state officials are only allowed to set fires and the people are not allowed to light lamps! My voice just now was not as loud as yours now!"

Shen Cang was frustrated.

"You can go out now." He lowered his voice.

It was a soft tone.

He was afraid that no matter how serious and loud he was, this woman would keep causing trouble.

"I can go out and lend me the comics."

"I haven't finished it yet."

"Surely it can't be just one book. Hurry up and hand over the few books you've finished reading! Otherwise, I'll just take a nap here, and I won't leave!"

Shen Cang: "..."

In the end, Shen Cang was defeated and handed her the three comics he had read, "Get out."

Lou Lan excitedly took over the manga: "I never thought that you could read three manga in one go, it must be very good, tsk tsk tsk, it turns out that you also have times when you are not doing your job properly!"

Shen Cang wanted to explain something, but saw Lou Lan leaving with the manga in his arms.

He closed his mouth, so as not to say too much, and she refused to leave, as long as she can leave, let's go quickly!

Shen Cang finally sent the man away, let out a breath, took out the fourth comic and began to read it.

When Lou Lan returned to the office, she saw Xiao Taotie talking to herself, but she was actually talking to A Piao, the teacher of the general body.

Little Taotie asked: "Don't you remember anything? You are so pitiful!"

Probably the teacher didn't know what to answer, and Xiao Taotie's eyes became more sympathetic.

The little girl patted her chest and promised: "Don't worry, the teacher and I will help you find the person who hurt you, and then you can go to reincarnation."

"What? Are you worried about turning into a puppy or cat, or at worst, Zhu Bajie?"

"No, you are not an evil spirit, and you are very clean, without any resentment, you will definitely be a human in your next life."

"I know the little ghost, he told me that very clean spirits are usually reborn as adults, don't worry."

Lou Lan listened to the whole process, dumbfounded.Is the little girl fooling around?

(End of this chapter)

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