Chapter 1671

"Although his name is Da Lei, it is only because his month is in the first month, so he is older than his peers. His parents divorced, his mother went out to work, and his father found another one to live. If there is a stepmother, there will be a stepfather." , but he doesn’t eat very well, he’s thin and small, not as tall as me.”

Little Taotie put a cross on "Da Lei".

The pen moved to the word "Xiaoshan", and asked: "Where is Xiaoshan, is the person tall and big?"

"Xiaoshan is very tall, the tallest among his peers in the village. He is only a month old, so he is called Xiaoshan, but he is as tall as a big mountain."

Little Taotie put a question mark on the "hill".

She then asked: "The figure you saw, are you sure it's not Xiaoshan, he's also a tall man, maybe it's just a change of clothes, that's why you don't think he's an acquaintance."

"It's not Xiaoshan. Xiaoshan people are very tall, but they also have shortcomings. Because they went to work in the fields at a very young age, their body is not straight, and they always arch their backs. Moreover, Xiaoshan's arms are very long, while the person who pushed me did not have long arms. Keep your back straight."

Little Taotie put a cross on the question mark on "Xiaoshan".

The pen moved to the word "Village Flower".

Logically, she should be the first to exclude her.

After all, she is a girl, and she is still a village flower. She should be a very beautiful girl, and it is impossible to get along with someone tall and powerful.

But Xiao Taotie had a vague premonition that this incident might have something to do with this village flower.

In the network of these people who knew about it, only this village flower and her big brother had no intersection.

Those who know the truth, it is impossible for a grandma to hurt her grandson, and if she did, she would not keep her by her side. As long as the baby is not taken care of carefully when she was young, the baby is likely to die, and there is no need to spend a lot of effort to raise it.

The insider's uncle and aunt's family, although they dislike him, have always raised him. After all, they are relatives. When they get what they want, the elder brother promises to give them what they want without saying a word. I don't want to kill people. After all, killing people is against the law. If you have a little awe, you won't do this kind of thing.

Sometimes awe is something that should exist. If it is only controlled by laws and prisons, some bold people will not take it to heart at all.

When an unbeliever turns into a ghost after death, he loses all awe. When a person has no awe, is irritated, or is extremely paranoid, he will do irreparable things.

But when you believe that a person will become a ghost after death, even if you are only half-believing, you will have a trace of awe. .

Most of the rural people are still in awe, so even if they despise this unlucky guy, they will still raise him, and never thought of killing him when he was young.

And fear, it is impossible to kill people and rob lottery tickets on the premise of getting money and getting what you want.

Da Lei is a poor man, and the hard-working people feel pity for the hard-working people the most. He may feel envious and jealous of his big brother's luck, but he will not kill someone. Killing someone with the same twists and turns as his own fate seems to be a sign that he will not be able to survive in his life. Even if he turned over, Da Lei couldn't possibly harm his elder brother.

Xiaoshan is tall and big, if he wants to harm someone, he can push it himself, there is no need to spend money to send someone to do it, it is unnecessary, so he is also excluded.

When all possibilities are ruled out, the final answer left, even if it is unbelievable, is the truth.

Little Taotie drew a circle on the word "Village Flower" and asked, "Does Village Flower have a boyfriend, or a tall suitor?"

(End of this chapter)

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