Chapter 1682 Hope is always there
The old lady woke up again with tears streaming down her face.

"Did he dream again?" the aunt asked worriedly.

The old lady wiped away her tears: "It's only five days, I have to go to bed earlier in these five days."

My aunt sighed unceasingly. The person who couldn't eat or sleep before had to go to bed early.

For the next five days, the old lady listened to her grandson and ate well, went to bed early at night, and met her grandson in her dream. Come.

The aunt helped her to step on the tears, and seeing the old lady's eyes tightly closed, her heart felt sore, but she could only sigh.

In the end, the old lady opened her eyes with tears in her eyes: "He went to reincarnate, and he will never come to see me again."

My aunt's nose was sore, she couldn't hold it back, and started crying too.

When my uncle came to the hospital to visit his old mother, he saw that the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law who had been noisy for half their lives were hugging each other and crying.

The uncle was very anxious, and comforted the old lady and the daughter-in-law, "What's the matter, stop crying, why can't you stop, don't be sad, hurry up and eat something, I brought you sesame balls, Let's eat..."

The two ignored him at all and continued to cry.

The uncle was also tired of persuading him, and sat down at the foot of the bed, staring at the two of them with wide eyes, to see when they would stop crying.

This wait lasted for an hour.

It's like my aunt wiped her tears and said to the old lady: "I'm tired from crying, I want to sleep, and my eyes hurt."

The old lady: "..." Who is not?
So, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law chose to stop crying and go back to sleep.


Uncle changed from waiting for the two to stop crying to waiting for the two to wake up.

After waiting for another hour, my uncle felt hungry. He was about to eat the sesame balls he had brought when he saw his wife wake up. She was staring at him with eyes red from crying, oh no, it was in his hands. sesame balls.

The uncle stretched out the sesame ball, and the aunt rushed over and took a bite.

Tired of crying, full of sleep, and then hungry.

Not long after, the old lady also woke up, and the first thing she did when she woke up was to have a full stomach.

When the two of them were full, the uncle picked up the rest and ate.

After eating, the uncle asked doubtfully, "Why were you crying just now?"

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law looked at each other, but no one paid him any attention.

The uncle was stared at by the two at the same time, helpless, and finally stopped asking. Instead, he told the two that the Red Cross had sent a thank you letter, and wrote in the letter where the money would be used.

"Those places?" My aunt asked casually.

I heard my uncle say excitedly: "The school will open, Hope Primary School!"

Aunt Leng Leng.

The old lady burst into tears again: "It's exactly the same as what I said in the dream. Sun Sun said that because he opened many Hope Primary Schools and accumulated merits, he can be reborn in a scholar's family in his next life, and his parents may be professors..."

My aunt murmured softly: "That's fine, if his parents are still alive, he will be very happy."

The uncle looked confused: "You two have a fever? What nonsense are you talking about?"


After sending away the dead fish-eye Ah Piao, Xiao Taotie was about to change back to his original appearance when he received a call from Shen Cang: "Use your mask to create another myth in the entertainment circle, it will be another identity for you."

Little Taotie: "Will I have two identities in the future? Both identities in the entertainment industry?"

Shen Cang: "Boys can often participate in the Big Eater Competition."

Little Taotie pursed his lips: "That's good too, I can eat a lot of things."

Shen Cang: "I'm going on a mission, it may take a long time."

(End of this chapter)

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