Chapter 1685 Reflect on it

Even if the ghost king listened to her demolition, even if she killed all directions with her fists, she was still ruthlessly detained.

Little Taotie turned his head to look, and met the eyes of the old man who seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

"Leave them to me." Loulan appeared here at some unknown time, and took the children from the old man smoothly.

The old man looked at Loulan and knew that she was special in the special department, so he didn't stop her.

Loulan took the two children to her office, and Xiangxiang and Mo Haihao got busy. In fact, many people in the special department got busy and couldn't take care of the two children for the time being.

The little girl seems to have come to the rebellious period. It is said that the first rebellious period was when the child was 2 years old. But at that time, the little Taotie was in the mountains. Before the rebellious period, she was tortured by her adoptive parents. It can be regarded as her rebellious period when she came out.

Taking advantage of Loulan's inattention, the little girl urged Hua Jinyan, "Let's wait while—"

"Huh?" Lou Lan was surprised: "Why didn't you say it?"

Facing Loulan's approaching ears, Little Taotie pursed his lips and stopped talking.

"Are you going to sneak out to play while I'm not paying attention? Why don't you count me in?"

Little Taotie's eyes lit up: "Teacher, are you with us? Let's go together to find Grandpa!"

The smile on Lou Lan's face slowly disappeared. The speed of changing face was not fast, but it was enough to make the children a little confused.

"Sorry, I'm not with you."

Little Taotie was terribly injured: "Then you still come here."

"Isn't this to understand what kind of monster you want to be? Well, since you know you are not good, you can't blame me."

Lou Lan walked towards the door.

Little Taotie thought that she was going to find the grandfather who temporarily replaced her grandfather's head, but she didn't take it seriously, she was not afraid of the blooming grandfather at all.

"Goodbye." Lou Lan stood at the door and suddenly waved to Little Taotie and Hua Jinyan.

Following her wave, a stone door suddenly descended from the sky!

Little Taotie: "Scared!!!"

Hua Jinyan was stunned.

Neither of them expected that there are organs and stone gates here!
Shimen prevented the little Taotie from seeing the door, she rushed to Shimen and slammed on the door, "Teacher, open the door, teacher, what are you doing, teacher, you are illegally imprisoned, you will eat in prison!"

"Hey, in the special department, you are talking about the law with me? I'm sorry, even the law is special in the special department!"

For example, the law is different for soldiers and ordinary people.

In special sectors, many laws are also different.

"Teacher! Open the door!"

"Call Zhima to open the door, and no one will open the door for you. Stay here."

"Grandpa is still waiting for me to save him! Open the door quickly!"

"Many people have already been rescued, and it's not your turn to take risks as a child. Even he can be the place where he disappeared. Do you think you are sure to rescue people?"

"It's up to people!"

"I'm sorry, it's up to God! Now that I've stopped you, it's like God told me to stop you. You can't do this! Stay inside for a while! Want to eat pork liver pizza? I'll go find someone Do it for you!"

“Pork Liver Pizza…”

Little Taotie's train of thought was almost taken astray, and Hua Jinyan patted him, and suddenly he woke up: "Who wants to eat pork liver pizza, I'm not hungry at all, and I don't want to eat it at all! Please let us out quickly, I'm going Save Grandpa's head!"

"Disobedient? Then you should reflect on it inside."

"Teacher, open the door!"

"Open the door!"

"Hey, is there anyone out there?"

Little Taotie yelled for a while, but no one responded.

(End of this chapter)

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