Chapter 1687 Howe is still Teacher Lou

The solid soul body slowly approached Shen Cang's physical body, but Shen Cang who fell into the illusion didn't know it.

He didn't know that he was falling into the illusion at this moment, let alone that he fell into the illusion through the way of his soul leaving his body, and the real opening of his eyes was when he leaned on the big tree resting, and the purpose of the big tree was to devour the moment when his soul left his body. Vice soul!
What's more, he didn't know that the big tree was greedy for his soul, and the thousand-year-old hungry ghost who broke through the seal was greedy for his body.

If you know all of this, it seems... that you are helpless.


Little Taotie was in a panic, no one responded outside, obviously he had already gone far, the big rock was very heavy, it felt like a mountain wall when pressed down.

"Where did the teacher find the stone, it seems to be just to guard against me, it is a bit heavy."

"Can't you push it away?" Hua Jinyan asked.

Little Taotie yelled "Ha" with all his might!
Pushing on the stone door with both hands, the strength that had been tried and tested hit a wall at this moment.

This seemed to be the first time that Little Taotie felt failure and helplessness after gaining great strength.

"What kind of stone is this?" Little Taotie clenched her fist in disbelief. She let out a vicious "ha" at the fist, her face wrinkled, she stared at the stone door fiercely, and slammed her fist on the stone door .

The air seemed to stand still.

For a long time, only the sound of Xiao Taotie gasping for air was heard.

Hua Jinyan looked at the side where the little Taotie's fist was in contact with the stone, the stone was intact, and the little Taotie's fist... was red!
"Are you okay!" Hua Jinyan pulled her hand in front of her and checked it carefully.

Fortunately, it was just red, and the skin was not hurt.

But for Xiao Taotie, it was not just because his fist was red and he nodded, it was also a kind of failure and blow that he had never experienced before.

Her great strength failed?

How is this possible?
This stone looks so ordinary, why does it look like refined iron?

Or maybe it is several times stronger than the strength of fine iron, because even a sword made of fine iron can be bent by Xiao Taotie, but now the violent blow with all his strength not only did not cause damage to the surface of the stone , and in turn her hand was hurt.

"What's going on here?" Little Taotie leaned closer to the stone and observed it carefully.

But she couldn't see any obvious surprise, it was just a stone.

Hua Jinyan took the flashlight on the desk, and the light of the flashlight was aimed at the surface of the stone.

With this photo, Little Taotie and Hua Jinyan couldn't move their eyes away.

If the black rock is compared to the night, then when the light shines on the surface of the stone, the stars in the night will be illuminated. The flashlight is like the moon, and the stars shine brightly with the light of the moon.

"This is...a diamond?" Hua Jinyan asked uncertainly.

Little Taotie slightly opened his small mouth in surprise, his big eyes widened, his pupils were foggy, full of grievance and disbelief!

"In order to guard against me, the teacher is so extravagant that he uses diamonds to make stone doors!"

Hua Jin said: "It seems that Mr. Lou has some family background."

Little Taotie took a deep breath: "Is this a little bit? This is a diamond mine at home, right?"

Hua Jinyan thought about it: I have learned, I have learned, I did not expect that the diamond mine has such a use, next time I should go to the diamond mine under the family name.

The little Taotie stared at the diamonds under the shining stones for a long time, wondering: "I look at them, they seem to be characters one by one... It can't be what I think, not only the stone gate is made of diamonds, but also inside Hidden the formation, and took away most of my strength."

(End of this chapter)

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