Chapter 1696 Three Candles Suddenly Light Up
Little Taotie and Hua Jinyan work together to bring back the third corpse.

There is also a small episode in this, the little Taotie can carry it alone, and it is easy to carry it, but Hua Jinyan insists on participating, saying that he can't come in vain, and the little Taotie can only reluctantly carry it with him.

Little Taotie was not tired at all, but Hua Jinyan was a little panting.

Hua Jinyan looked at the little Taotie's calm face, he didn't seem to be struggling at all, he lowered his eyes, thinking about going back to practice more.

Lou Lan began to examine the third corpse, and found that the third corpse was different from the first two.

The third corpse had its eyes closed and seemed to have died peacefully.

Lou Lan asked where they died, and learned that the three were on different tower floors, thinking deeply.

The layer she is on is a fantasy, like dragging people into a nightmare, dreaming of countless grotesques, and the injuries suffered in the dreams will also be injured in reality.

She asked Xiao Taotie and Hua Jinyan about their experiences, and when she learned that Xiao Taotie got a dead branch, she immediately asked if there was anything else found on the tower where the three corpses were.

Little Taotie recalled: "There are only corpses and burning candles."

Hua Jin said: "The only difference is that the candle is extinguished on the tower floor where the third person is."

"The candle is extinguished..." Facing the peaceful expression of the deceased, Lou Lan had a bold guess.

Those who die with regret must have seen the great terror, and the source of the great terror is the lighted candle, and when the candle is extinguished, the great terror disappears, and the nightmare will become a sweet dream. In dreams, life goes out like a candle.

The reason why she was able to break through the illusion was because she realized it was an illusion from the first moment, mainly because she had a pearl on her body, and this pearl was a treasure passed down from the family.

Little Taotie was reminded by Mamian Bell and Feng Qi.

And Hua Jinyan is able to distinguish between reality and illusion because he is carrying the colorful relics and guardian objects.

The three people who died did not have any protection, so they died in the illusion. At the moment of death, they did not recognize that it was an illusion. The reason why there is no spirit body is very likely...the spirit body is still in the illusion. The life is gone, and the spirit body still lingers in the illusion.

Their spirit bodies lost in the illusion must be recovered!Otherwise, they will be imprisoned in the ancient tower forever!
But she didn't talk about this speculation with little Taotie Hua Jinyan, even if they want to come back to retrieve their spirit bodies, it's a matter of the future, the most important thing now is to leave this weird ancient tower.

"Let's get out of here first." Lou Lan tried to lift a corpse, but only raised his arms.

Little Taotie patted his chest: "I'm coming!"

Little Taotie carried one in each hand, and she lifted up the two corpses.

The other corpse was carried by Hua Jinyan.

Lou Lan: "..."

Now the picture is very speechless. As an adult, she is empty-handed, while the two children are moving forward with heavy loads.

She has a new understanding of the power of the little Taotie. A small person, whose arms do not look strong, can carry two 1.8-meter men. You must know that the weight of a person after death is very likely to be heavier than that of his life. It is heavier, so there is a saying of dead weight.

Even if one is only 180 catties, two are 360 ​​catties, plus the dead bodies, at least [-] catties!

Lou Lan exhaled, thinking about whether she should increase some physical training after returning.

When they came to the bottom floor again, just before they were about to leave the ancient tower, three candles suddenly lit up without any warning.

Lou Lan turned her head to see this scene, pressed her lips tightly together, and didn't linger, urging the two children who still wanted to explore to hurry up and get out of here first.

After leaving the ancient pagoda, the sky was dark, with dark clouds covering the moonlight and starlight.

(End of this chapter)

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