Chapter 1705 A Beautiful Ancient Costume Sister

Hua Jinyan keenly noticed the slight changes in the flames of the three candles at the moment they entered, which is difficult for ordinary people to detect, and only a keen sense can distinguish the subtle changes.

Little Taotie didn't notice any abnormalities at first, but it was Hua Jinyan who stared at the three candles that discovered the abnormalities.

Little Taotie's pupils widened, her eyelashes fluttered, the flames reflected on her pupils, her pupils flickered brightly with the fire, she tilted her head slightly, and muttered softly: "They seem to be different from other candles, the flames flicker. The ground frequency is faster, and occasionally the flames will jump higher."

Hua Jinyan nodded: "The difference between them is the moment we came in."

"So are they conscious? Because the three colleagues knew us, the flame also recognized us. Can I boldly speculate that the flame of the candle appeared because they died, so the flame is their disappearing spirit body?" The thick eyelashes covered the pupils and also covered the firelight, and the little Taotie took out the pipe candy at some point.

Hua Jin said: "..." At this time, are you still sculpting?

The little glutton took a sip of the pipe candy and raised his eyes: "After my speculation and bold guess, there is an 80% possibility that the flame is the disappearing spirit body. If we can solve the mystery of the candle, we can find the spirit bodies of the three colleagues." !"

She suddenly lowered her voice, mysteriously: "If they can't find their spiritual bodies, I suspect that if the flame disappears and the candles are extinguished, their souls will be scattered, and there will be no chance of reincarnation."

"I have the same guess."

Hearing this, Little Taotie seemed to be inspired, and excitedly said: "Then let's quickly solve the mystery of the candle!"

As soon as Hua Jinyan and Xiao Taotie approached the area of ​​the three candles, they saw that the flames became slightly smaller, as if they might be extinguished at any time due to the influence of external forces.

Little Taotie hastily stopped in his tracks.

Hua Jinyan also stopped.

Hua Jinyan said with a serious face: "It seems that it is not 80%, but 90%."

Little Taotie held his breath, afraid that if he took a big breath, the pitiful little flame would be blown out by a single breath at any moment.

"What should we do next? We can't get close at all, as if we are being stared at by someone. Once we get close, the flames will go out."

Hearing this, Hua Jinyan's standing body froze, and his eyes became dangerous: "Being stared at..."

Little Taotie also froze.

"Yeah, it's still found."

Suddenly, a voice resembling a young woman and an old woman resounded like a double tone.

The two of them heard the sound and looked, and they saw the place where the candles were densest, and the flame suddenly jumped up, and at the same time, those candles burned out at a double speed. Leave an empty lamp.

Little Taotie was terrified, staring closely at the three candles representing the three colleagues, heaved a sigh of relief.

Well, well, well, the three candles were still lit.

Hua Jinyan stared at the person walking out of the flames as if facing a formidable enemy. She was an extremely beautiful woman. The woman was wearing an ancient costume, made of white floral fabric on a red background. But not too explicit.

Her hair is very long, like jet black, and it reflects like a ribbon under the light of the fire. It is the bun worn by ancient women, half tied up, half down and draped over her shoulders. This is the bun worn by unmarried women.

The woman's face has some baby fat, her eyes are watery, her eyes are full of vigor, her nose is gentle, her lips are red without spots, she is a very beautiful face.

Little Taotie blinked his big eyes, and murmured: "What a beautiful sister!"

(End of this chapter)

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