Chapter 1710 Almost Hit
Little Taotie was tired from running, and stood on the ruins panting, "I won't play with you anymore, I want to go!"

"Hua Jinyan, follow up!"

Little Taotie jumped out of the gate like a monkey.

A flying stone from outside the sky smashed past again, almost hitting the middle and small Taotie, but it was still in vain.

Hua Jinyan breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly chased after him.

Feng Qi flashed out quickly, and the next moment got into the horse-faced bell, wanting to see if all the candles put into the horse-faced bell were still on.

There was a strange turbid light in the horse-faced bell, the candles were on, and the flames were shaking, but there was a difference, which was very different from the flames in the ancient tower.

The flames turned into different shapes, and the shapes of human beings, birds and beasts could be vaguely seen.

Obviously, there are not only human spirit bodies here, but some huge birds and beasts have also been taken into spirit bodies.

Except for the flames that were extinguished before being brought in, the other flames were still on.

The little Taotie who escaped from the ancient pagoda was disheveled, although the stones that were thrown did not hit her, but the falling dust always covered her face.

Little Taotie wiped his face with his dirty little hands, he looked more like a little tabby cat.

"Hey, he finally escaped."

The little girl gasped in embarrassment.

Hua Jinyan took out a handkerchief and wanted to wipe it for her, when suddenly there was wind in his ear.

The two became alert, and Xiao Taotie ran away immediately.

The place where she was standing just now was occupied by a big stone weighing more than 200 kilograms. It can be seen that if it was a second later, this big stone would fall on her body.

Little Taotie patted his heart in fear: "I have escaped, don't let me go!"

The little girl stretched out her hand and pointed at the ancient pagoda with her little finger. At this moment, the ancient pagoda was slightly tilted.

"You are too much! Believe it or not, I will tear you apart!"

The little girl's voice was soft and waxy, with a little milky voice, not deterrent.

Hua Jinyan held her hand pointing at Guta, and gently wiped off the dust on her face with a handkerchief.

Little Taotie was angry: "If this tower hits me again, I don't care if it is a cultural relic or not, I will demolish it!"

She looked around and saw that there was no one around, not even a camera, and hummed: "No one cares about it. If I tear down a few gold bricks, I shouldn't be arrested and go to jail, right?"

Hua Jin said it was funny: "Are you still thinking about the BRICS?"

The little Taotie muttered with a narrow mouth: "The ones that hit me were all broken stones, why didn't it hit me with gold bricks, maybe I just stood there and hit it."

Just as Hua Jinyan was about to make fun of it, his smile froze suddenly.

A touch of gold quickly smashed over!

If it's not a gold brick, what else could it be?
Little Taotie was stunned for a while, but after realizing it, he turned around and ran away.

At this moment, the leaning ancient tower trembled, more like trembling with anger.

If it could speak, it would probably have cursed people: Didn't you say that if you hit you with a gold brick, you will stand still and be hit by me! ! !
The little Taotie fled for hundreds of meters, and rushed back with a sprint of [-] meters, with a smile on his face, he was so happy.

She hugged the gold brick directly, smiling brows and eyes: "It really hit me with the gold brick, it's great!"

She raised her head and shouted at Guta: "Smash it again! You can't hit me, keep hitting it!"

The little girl started to be provocative, dancing around the gold bricks, wiggling her little butt towards the ancient pagoda, "It's really useless, you can't even hit your ass!"

The ancient pagoda tilted a few centimeters again, countless golden lights flew towards the little Taotie.

Little Taotie's eyes were full of gold, and he dodged left and right happily: "Go on, go on, you'll almost hit me!"

(End of this chapter)

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