Chapter 1712 Brought back the whole tower

Little Taotie happily returns to the special department, but the special department is empty at the moment, and all the staff are dispatched to look for Shen Cang.

Xiao Taotie and Hua Jinyan went to the simulation room.

This time, Xiao Taotie learned to be smart and would choose food every time, but because all the staff were dispatched, even the grandfather who delivered the food was not there, so Xiao Taotie did not receive the food.

The little girl who did not receive the food was not in a good mood and did not stay in the simulation room any longer.

She didn't bother the serious Hua Jinyan, but left alone.

Hua Jinyan thought she was still simulating flying a plane, but she didn't know that she had left long ago.

Back in the lounge, Little Taotie shook the horse-faced bell, and Feng Qi floated out from it.

Little Taotie asked about the candles in the bell.

Feng Qi: "It wasn't extinguished before I went in, and it's not extinguished now. I tried to ignite the ones that went out before I went in, but it didn't help."

Little Taotie frowned: "Is there really a spirit trapped inside?"

Feng Qi nodded: "The flames burned into various shapes, which should be their body shapes in life. The flames on the three candles are exactly the body shapes of your three colleagues in life."

"Is there any way to release the spirit trapped in the candle?"

Feng Qi shook her head: "I can't do anything for now."

"I'll ask brother Nie."

Little Taotie made a phone call.

Not long after, Brother Nie picked up the phone: "Hi, little Taotie, miss me?"

The little girl blushed: "Brother Nie, I have something very important to ask you."

"Okay, tell me." Brother Nie looked serious.

Little Taotie told Brother Nie about finding the ancient pagoda, what happened in the ancient pagoda, and what happened to him.

Brother Nie frowned more and more.

"An ancient tower made of pure gold, I seem to have heard of it..."

Little Taotie did not disturb Brother Nie who was recalling.

After a few minutes, Brother Nie took a deep breath: "I remembered, you were only talking about the ancient pagoda! Wait, I'll go back and find some records, and I'll call you back later!"

Before Little Taotie could speak, the phone was hastily hung up, obviously Brother Nie wanted to strike while the iron was hot, and had already gone to find the records.

Little Taotie was guarding the phone, resting his chin on both hands, waiting and waiting...

About half an hour later, Brother Nie didn't call, but Hua Jinyan came to find him.

"I thought something happened to you." Hua Jinyan was sweating profusely, obviously looking for it for a while.

Little Taotie shook his head: "I'm fine."

She took out a handkerchief to wipe his sweat: "Where did you find me? You should have come here long ago."

Hua Jinyan shook his head: "Don't talk about it, just find it."

"Are you waiting for a call?" Hua Jinyan remembered that when she saw her just now, she was guarding the phone with her hands on her chin, staring at the phone with big eyes.

"Yeah, I'm waiting for brother Nie's call."

As soon as the voice fell, the phone rang.

"Here we come, shhh, I'll answer the phone!" Little Taotie made a booing gesture to Hua Jinyan.

Hua Jinyan nodded and pursed his lips.

"Hello, Brother Nie."

"I found it. Don't bring back the gold bricks. That's a curse. A gold brick is a curse!"

Little Taotie: " are too late."

Brother Nie gasped: "As much as you bring back, I'll find a way to lift the curse."

Little Taotie whispered: "The gold bricks of the entire tower... I brought them all back."

Brother Nie accidentally hung up the phone, and immediately called again: "Are you joking?"

(End of this chapter)

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