Chapter 1718 The Ancient Pagoda Land Sealed Land
A variety of materials are mixed together, and one is suspected to be blood.

Nie Qing frowned more and more tightly.

If it was really blood, it would be a little troublesome. If the person who dripped the blood couldn't be found, it would be impossible to break the curse.

Seeing his solemn expression, Lou Lan asked.

When she found out that there was blood in it, Lou Lan's expression became relaxed: "What's the problem? If it's blood, there must be DNA. I can check it here."

"I'm afraid, it's not the blood of people in this era at all. If it's the blood of the spy thousands of years ago, it will be difficult."

"Then find his descendants, there will always be a way."

Hearing this, Nie Qing patted his forehead: "Maybe."

The two began to experiment and search.

Little Taotie was a little bored, silently took out a gold brick.

Silently took out the second gold brick.

Silently took out the third gold brick...

Hua Jin said: "...Are you going to play with building blocks?"

Little Taotie giggled and handed him a piece: "Shall we play together?"

Hua Jinyan did not refuse.

So when Nie Qing and Lou Lan finished their work, they looked back and saw the two children squatting there, building a house with gold bricks.

Nie Qing: "You guys really know how to play."

Lou Lan shook her head: "Fortunately, the curse doesn't work on them, otherwise I don't know how to die now."

Lou Lan didn't dare to get close to the gold bricks, and Nie Qing also kept his distance automatically. Both of them felt the coldness coming from the gold bricks.

Little Taotie and Hua Jinyan did not have any troubles in this regard.

"I can't find it." Lou Lan gave up.

It's been a long time, or it's not one kind of blood from the beginning, but many kinds of blood, or it's not human blood.

Nie Qing didn't expect much, but he wasn't disappointed either.

"Let's go to the ancient pagoda." Nie Qing suggested.

He has never been to the ancient pagoda, nor has he seen the seals around the ancient pagoda.

Lou Lan thought for a while: "I'll take you there."

Little Taotie hastily put down the gold brick in his hand: "I'll go too."

Lou Lan shook her head: "You guys should stay here and play, we'll be back soon."

The little Taotie refused, and grabbed Lou Lan's clothes.

Lou Lan: "..."

Lowering her head, facing the pitiful appearance of the little girl, Lou Lan finally agreed.

Little Taotie made a victory gesture to Hua Jinyan.

While Nie Qing was driving, Lou Lan was sleeping lightly with her eyes closed, and Xiao Taotie whispered into Hua Jinyan's ear about her dreams.

When they arrived at the ancient pagoda, Xiao Taotie was the first to get out of the car and ran towards the location of the ancient pagoda, but the little girl's footsteps stopped when she reached the seal of the ancient pagoda. The reason was the horse-faced bell hanging around her waist. is pulling her back.

A small bell, the pulling force is not small.

Little Taotie stopped and looked at the horse-faced bell suspiciously. This horse-faced bell was filled with gold bricks and dead branches.

Originally, she thought that the gold bricks and the dead branches might fight, but when they fell into a horse-faced bell, the two parties turned out to be very friendly. They did not attack each other, but kept a clear line of non-disturbance.

Little Taotie unfastened the horse-faced bell around his waist, and shook it vigorously several times, "Why don't you let me go forward? Is there anything weird ahead?"

At this moment, Loulan walked over, and his eyes fell on the ground: "There is a seal or formation here, and it doesn't want you to step into this range."

Nie Qing had already taken out the compass, and began to calculate in a daze.

Hua Jinyan squinted his eyes and carefully looked at the subtle lines on the ground. Even the growth trajectory of a small grass and its growth length are all particular.

A gust of wind blew by, and Nie Qing shivered: "It's a seal."

(End of this chapter)

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