Chapter 1725
Little Taotie took out the broken bowl and the wooden box, she hadn't opened the box yet, so she didn't know what was in the wooden box.

Seeing the broken bowl, the old man froze for a moment.

" the bowl from back then!"

All eyes were on the old man.

The old man exhaled slowly, with a difficult expression on his face: "Back then, when we went abroad to do missions, someone betrayed us, which made it impossible for us to return to China. We, penniless...we worked as entertainers for a while."

"So this bowl, is it the bowl you begged for?" Lou Lan blurted out.

The old man glared at her, "It's a show!"

"Oh, it's a show!" Lou Lan didn't think there was any difference.

The old man lowered his eyes: "This bowl...was thrown into the sea a long time ago, why did it appear here..."

"Who threw it?" Lou Lan asked.

The old man recalled: "It is... Shen Cang."

Lou Lan snapped his fingers: "There is an answer. He didn't throw it at all back then. He made a fake throwing motion. He had already hidden the bowl."

The old man couldn't understand: "What do you keep this broken bowl for?"

Lou Lan: "Maybe as a souvenir."

"Where did you find it?" The old man took a broken bowl and looked it over carefully: "It's really broken..."

His eyes are full of reminiscences, as if recalling that seemingly unbearable but dumbfounding memory back then.

"I dug it out from the ground." Little Taotie took out her small pink shovel.

Lou Lan grabbed the shovel: "How dirty! How did you bring it back!"

Lou Lan, who is obsessed with cleanliness, went to clean with a shovel.

Little Taotie looked at Kong Kong's hands, then at Lou Lan's running back, pursed his lips, "It's not that dirty..."

"That's right, it's not dirty at all!" Overlord Huanu snorted twice, very dissatisfied with Lou Lan.

She smiled and said to Little Taotie: "My dumbbells are all pink!"

Anyone who likes Zai Zai knows that Zai Zai likes pink, and her little bear always wears a pink sweater.

Sure enough, Little Taotie's eyes sparkled immediately, and he looked at Overlord Flower Girl with big eyes, "Let's work out together, can you lend me your dumbbells?"

"Of course! It's an agreement, let's work out together!" Overlord Flower Girl stretched out her little finger.

Little Taotie immediately stepped forward to pull the hook.

Someone muttered: "How old are you, and you still play with children."

Immediately received a critical blow from Overlord Flower Girl.

The man roared: "You can't be gentle!"

The overlord flower girl sneered: "You don't need to be polite to a scumbag like you, and you don't need to waste my tenderness! My tenderness is only for those who deserve it!"

"How many times have I told you that I didn't cheat, why don't you believe me!"

"Hehehe!" Overlord Huanu turned her back and ignored him.

The old man said coldly: "Your private affairs should be settled in private."

The man who just wanted to defend himself lost his temper and let out a sullen "hmm".

Little Taotie blinked, looked at the overlord flower girl, then at the frowning man, tilted his head, and began to think.

The man with a sad face raised his head, he looked at the little Taotie with some doubts and probing eyes, and he twitched the corners of his mouth in embarrassment.

In fact, he was the one who liked Xiao Taotie first, and he recommended it to his girlfriend, no, it should be said to be his ex-girlfriend now.

After the ex-girlfriend fell in love with Xiao Taotie, the two of them had common topics and hobbies, and their relationship became better. They were both talking about marriage. Who knew that a mission would completely collapse their relationship.

Little Taotie blinked and found a flower blooming on the man's head, a small blue flower, like an orchid.

(End of this chapter)

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