Chapter 176 Drink a Bowl of Soup and Forget Your Life

Tao Ti stretched out her little feet tentatively, landed on the bridge carefully, looked left and right, she looked very alert.

Stepping on the bridge deck felt down-to-earth, and nothing strange happened. Tao Ti boldly took another step, looking left and right.

Everything was calm, and Tao Ti became more courageous. He walked to the middle of the bridge one step at a time, two steps at a time, and then rushed into the dense fog, waving his small hands to drive away the fog in front of him, trying to see the surrounding environment clearly.

The moment she crossed the bridge, a weird gust of wind came again, blowing away the thick red-yellow mist and unfolding the picture scroll in front of her.

The surface of the river is bubbling, and there are scenes after scenes, densely packed, many and very complicated.

There is a stall at the east end of the river, and the mother-in-law with a childlike face and hefa is serving soup, and the bowl in her hand is painted with swirls, which look like nine black circles when you look closely.

There was a long, long queue in front of the mother-in-law, and the end could not be seen at a glance. They were all spirit bodies, with their feet floating in the air.

When the soup in the big pot was finished, the mother-in-law lifted the huge black cauldron with one hand and spooned it into the river, and the pot was full again.

"Tao Ti!"

The voice was very close, right in the line.

Tao Ti opened her eyes wide to look for it, and saw her grandfather who kept waving to her!


Tao Ti's eyes were full of surprise, and she rushed forward like a small cannonball, and was loaded into the old man's arms.

Got hugged!

Tao Ti's eyes widened in disbelief, she was embraced by the grandpa of the spirit body?
She looked down at her little feet, they stepped on the ground, but they didn't float.

Why did you really hug him?

The old man gave her an answer, reached out and touched her head lightly, "What is connected here is your dream, you are a spirit body, not a spirit body, similar to a soul."

"How could I dream of grandpa?"

"Your dream is connected with this place. I originally wanted to see you for the last time before reincarnation, and entrusted you with a dream. Later, Ma Mian told me that you are different from ordinary people. If you want to see me, you can combine the dream with this place. Compatible."

Tao Ti blinked her eyes half understanding.

Grandpa pointed to the picture in the river, and said: "Every spirit body waiting in line to be reincarnated sees a different picture in the river. We can see the people we care about through here. I saw you and twin brothers and sisters, I know they're giving you a hard time."

Tao Ti looked at the river, but what she could see was densely packed with many pictures, as if she could see all the people and things that the spirit body wanted to see here.

As long as she stared at a spirit body for a while, and then looked at the river, it was the specific picture that the spirit body saw.

"Tao Ti, you don't need to pay attention to them anymore, everyone has their own way of life, even if you take them in, they won't know how to be grateful."

Tao Ti lowered her eyes and said softly, "They don't have flowers on their heads, so they don't like me. They have black mushrooms on their heads, so they hate me and hate me."

She didn't tell anyone that she could tell whether the other person really loved her through the flowers on her head. This was the first time she told others.

She thought her grandpa wouldn't believe it, but grandpa touched her head and said lovingly: "This is very good, and grandpa can rest assured. You can use this to identify good intentions and evil intentions, and no one will be able to deceive you."

While the two were talking, the team was moving forward quickly. It looked very long, but in fact it was moving very fast. It was only because new spirit bodies were constantly joining the team.

It was almost the old man's turn to drink the soup. The old man looked at Tao Ti reluctantly, and said, "Don't be soft-hearted because of me again. Black mushrooms are a symbol of malice. They harbor evil intentions, so stay away as far as you can."

Tao Ti nodded slightly, her little hands tightly clutching Grandpa's sleeves, but it was Grandpa's turn in the line, and Grandpa took the soup, and he patted Tao Ti's little hands lightly, signaling her to let go.

Once the old man drinks the soup, he will forget this life.

Tears rolled in Tao Ti's eyes, but she refused to let go of her little hand.

"Hey, little girl, if he delays his reincarnation, his mother will die of dystocia!"

 No.12 more~
(End of this chapter)

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