Chapter 180

The moment Hua Jinyan saw the jade pendant, a picture flashed in his mind.

Faintly saw a snow-white dumpling, rubbing its furry head against his palm, the little beast raised its head, and looked at him with a pair of bright eyes that seemed to be studded with stars, and those eyes...

They are so similar to those beautiful big eyes of the little Taotie beside him!

He quietly looked at the little girl next to him who excitedly said that she wanted to make a little monster kite, her eyes seemed to overlap.

"Is it okay? Is it difficult to do?" Tao Ti tilted her head and looked at him expectantly.

"It's not difficult, just draw it and cut it out."

Hearing this, the little Taotie grinned, held his hand with a soft little hand, led him outside the door, and said happily: "Come on, let's do it now, what materials do we need to prepare?"

"I have leftover materials from last night's work in my room, which should be enough."

"Then go to your room!"

Just after waking up, Tao Shen half-closed his eyes and yawned. He was making coffee in the living room when he saw his sister holding the brat's hand. The two of them ran away in a hurry, and the direction of running was still the brat's room!
Tao Shen was in a hurry, so he stopped making coffee!
On the other side of the living room, Cheng Guodong was already drinking coffee. He was talking and laughing with Qin Xin, but suddenly his smile stopped.

Qin Xin turned his head and looked in the direction he was looking, and saw his sister and Hua Jinyan entered the room and closed the door.

"No! A man and a widow live in the same room!"

Qin Xin stopped him, helplessly: "How many years has the Qing Dynasty been dead! They are only six or seven-year-old children, what can they do in the same room, are you too nervous? When they enter the same room at the age of sixteen or seventeen, It's never too late for you to be nervous."

"No, I'm worried!" Cheng Guodong pulled Qin Xin up from the chair and urged, "Hurry up, let's go and have a look!"

Qin Xin looked back at the half-drinked latte on the table and the snacks that he hadn't had time to eat, and said helplessly, "All right."

The two slowly approached the door, and there was an extra person beside them. Looking sideways, it was—Tao Shen!
Cheng Guodong breathed lightly, touched the doorknob, turned it carefully, and opened a crack.

The three heads are next to each other, looking inside.

In front of the desk, Tao Ti and Hua Jinyan are drawing.

Seeing this, the three of them exhaled at the same time, Tao Shen was suddenly pushed hard from behind, and fell forward uncontrollably, hitting Qin Xin's back, Qin Xin fell forward, hitting Cheng Guodong's back, the three Everyone fell into the room together, falling to the ground in a stacked Arhat style.

Tao Ti widened her eyes in shock, and looked at the three of them.

A person walked out from behind the three of them, it was Tao Bin who was carrying a cloth bag and laughing loudly.

"What's the point of peeking furtively, you should look at it openly!" Tao Bin laughed and waved at Tao Ti: "Little Junior Sister, do you miss me?"

"Brother Xiaobin!" Tao Ti trotted over, backed away as soon as he approached, backed up again and again, covered his little nose, frowned, and wrinkled his little face: "You stink!"

Tao Bin went down the mountain after practicing his skills. There were no cars on the road. When he encountered a car transporting pigs, he went up to take a ride.

He grinned, "It's called the smell of sweat, a smell that only men have!"

Tao Ti turned her head away in disgust: "Hua Jinyan is fragrant!"

Tao Bin smirked: "The sissy is the one who smells good every day!"

Hua Jinyan glanced at him sideways, "It seems that along the way, brother met a lot—"

As soon as the junior brother opened his mouth, Tao Bin felt his scalp go numb, afraid that he would talk about A Piao again, so he hurriedly begged for mercy: "I'm a sissy, I'm a sissy! Please keep your mouth shut! Don't say anything It scared me! I'm going to take a bath now, and wash myself so fragrant!"

(End of this chapter)

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