After Mo Haihao finished the finishing work of the game competition, he was about to drive to find his wife, and the two little tails followed behind him.

Hua Jinyan's attitude is indifferent, as long as Xiao Taotie goes, he will definitely follow.

Little Taotie grabbed Mo Haihao's car door, blinking his big eyes.

Mo Haihao was a little worried that the little girl was agitated, and with great strength, she grabbed the door of her own car.

Mo Haihao hurriedly said: "Let go, get in the car, don't hold on to the door."

What can be done?I can only bring it!

Little Taotie giggled and blinked his left eye at Hua Jinyan, playful and cute.

Hua Jinyan raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and followed her into the car.

Mo Haihao sighed, a little resigned to his fate, and said helplessly, "The scene there must be chaotic. Don't get out of the car when the time comes. It will be safer in the car, lest those villagers go crazy and accidentally hurt you."

There are too many things like this. The villagers go crazy and even attack the police. Sometimes when there are fewer police officers, they will be besieged by the villagers and thrown out of the village.

That's why when Xiangxiang sent people, in addition to transferring away the elite police, even a group of people from the local army were transferred away, just because they were afraid of such a chaotic scene.

Mo Haihao's worries were not useless. If Xiangxiang's two shots hadn't deterred the villagers, they would dare to fight against the farm tools and the police now.

Mo Haihao's eyelids twitched, feeling a little uneasy in his heart: "I always feel restless, I should have known that I should go with her."

The game contest is D, the matter is more serious, and the nature is worse, so he can only finish this matter first, and has been persuading Xiangxiang to wait for him to finish his work, but Xiangxiang is impatient. There should be no problem with many people, so I feel relieved to let her go, and get rid of the members of the seventh team. Don't leave Xiangxiang, and protect her.

But now his eyelids were twitching and his mind was restless, which gave him a bad premonition that his whole body was not well, and he became anxious to drive.

"Red light!" Little Taotie shouted.

Mo Haihao slammed on the brakes, and then almost stopped, almost running a red light without knowing it.

Mo Haihao let out a breath and looked in the direction of the red light, feeling anxious all over.

Little Taotie frowned: "Captain, if you are worried about Sister Xiangxiang, you can call Sister Xiangxiang."

"Yes! Why did I forget!" Mo Haihao slapped his forehead and made a call while the light was red.

"What are you doing?" Xiangxiang's irritable voice came out, full of anger.

Mo Haihao breathed a sigh of relief: "My mission is over, I'm on my way now, wait for me."

"Okay." Xiangxiang was suspicious: "Are you driving?"

Mo Haihao hurriedly explained: "Red light."

Xiangxiang said coldly: "Hang up."

Mo Haihao smiled wryly: "Okay, wait for me."


Xiangxiang hung up the phone.

Mo Haihao's eyelids were still twitching. He looked at the red light. For some reason, after making the phone call, he felt even more anxious.

Xiangxiang hung up the phone and looked at the woman who knocked the man down with a shovel. The woman's face was covered with scratches, but she smiled very proudly.

She didn't look at the bloody man lying on the ground, but ran towards Xiangxiang: "Take me away! Take me away immediately!"

The members of the seventh team were holding several dogs, all of which were dogs from the village, but at the moment they all regarded the members of the seventh team as their masters. The members of the seventh team stroked one of the shepherd dogs: "Go."

The shepherd dog rushed in front of Xiangxiang, blocked the rushing woman, and barked at the woman.

The woman backed up in fear. She had seen this dog before. It was a hero dog in the village. When a hungry wolf came down the mountain in the ice and snow, it was bitten to death by this shepherd dog on a snowy night.

This is a dog that can kill a wolf.

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