Chapter 1836 Rushing to feed the cubs!
The big black lion rubbed its buttocks with its tail, drooped its head, with a dejected expression: "Abducted by my grandfather."

"What! Was abducted by the Great Elder!"

"It's over, it's over, I'm afraid I won't see my sister today, it's rare for my sister to come back, the old men are too domineering!"

"Shall we secretly go to the elders' house to see my sister?"

"Don't go, my grandfather has set up a formation, we can't get in at all."

"Damn! These old men are too much!"

"You don't even let us see it, it's too much! Damn old guys!"

"Ah—" A scream resounded through the valley.

The lion who scolded the old guy was caught by the ears, and the ears were almost pulled off.

"Elder Ninth, show mercy! My ears!"

"Hmph! You are treasonous, you have no respect for your elders! You should be punished!"

"I was wrong, I really know I was wrong, oh, oh, oh, it hurts, my ears are going to fall off, they are really going to fall off!"

The Ninth Elder let go of his hand and stared at it, "I remember you, tomorrow morning, come to my place to copy the scriptures!"

"Help! Elder Ninth, ancestor, please forgive me!"

"Not negotiable!"

The poor lion covered its ears with its paws, and lay down on the ground aggrieved: "Okay, okay, as long as you can keep reading my lion crawling characters, I will copy it."

The Ninth Elder stared: "If the words are ugly, copy them again!"

"That's over, you will see me every day."

"It's just you, kid! You're fined to stand here! Stand still!"

"Aww, why do I have to imitate human beings to stand on two legs, I'm so tired, I want to get down."

"Stand up!"

Elder Ninth's crutch was ready to be drawn.

The lion hurriedly stood firm and shouted: "Stand up, I'm standing up, don't beat me! I finally understand why every elder has a crutch! It's just for the convenience of beating us!"

Elder Ninth's crutch still hit its strong buttocks.


The lion howled.

"Shut up!" The Ninth Elder raised his crutches and threatened.

The lion closed its mouth immediately. This is a big lion with piebald face. At this moment, the big face like a tabby cat is full of grievances. In his arms, he looks a little silly.

The Ninth Elder stared and glanced, and it felt the buttocks were cold and shivering.

The more the Ninth Elder looked at these brats, the more he disliked them. If it wasn't for Bao Zaizai who wanted these brats to go, he wouldn't bother to call them.

The Ninth Elder said coldly: "One by one, take your rations and go to the elders' house to gather."

"Go to the elders' house?"


"Can I see my sister?"

"Long live the Ninth Elder!"

Ninth Elder glanced at them coldly: "Give me some peace!"

The big lions covered their mouths with their paws in a humane manner, and they were as quiet as chickens.

"Look at your unsightly hair, don't fall in the elders' courtyard, it's really troublesome to clean up! Turn me into a human! Make it look better, especially you, don't always have hot eyes!" Ninth Elder Pointing at a big gray lion with a fat head and big ears, and a piece of tendon and flesh with a crutch, it looks very huge.

In fact, this big lion is not gray at all, but a big white lion, but because it doesn't like cleanliness, it always gets dirty, so its hair has turned gray.

Under the gaze of the Ninth Elder, the big gray-haired lion began to transform into a burly and muscular man, with fleshy body, big arms and a thick waist, a big square face, dark skin, and explosive hair. A bit like Zhang Fei with a black face.

Elder Ninth covered his eyes: "No, no, it's so ugly! Immediately turn into a white man!"

The burly and muscular man muttered: "The bitches are chirping."

He muttered to himself, but did not dare to delay in his actions. The big black face turned into a big white face, and the small eyes rolled around: "Is it okay now?"

Elder Ninth lowered his hand and took a look, then immediately covered his eyes again: "That lion has small eyes?"

"Small eyes focus on the light, you always look at it, how magical is it?"

"I don't look! If I look at you more, I think it will shorten my life! Immediately make the eyes bigger! Make the nose smaller! Put the big buck teeth in! The big face can barely see, forget it, the face shape is like this, It's so embarrassing!"

"Oh oh oh..." The burly and muscular man responded impatiently, and began to change his face.

The small eyes became bigger, the big bulbous nose became smaller, and the hard big buck teeth got smaller and retracted. Touching the generous face, he was relieved, fortunately, he didn't have to change the shape of his face.

"This body of tendons, shrink, shrink, shrink! I'm not asking you to scare people, what are you doing so tall, get shorter!"

"Oh oh oh..."

The tall man of nearly three meters began to shrink in proportion, and the large muscles on his body were no longer bulging.

Now the Ninth Elder finally looked at him and nodded with satisfaction: "Very good."

"I don't feel bad at all."

"You don't need to think, as long as I feel satisfied, it's fine."

Elder Ninth waved his crutches: "Let's go, brats, don't waste time."

A group of Yushu Linfeng handsome boys who had turned into human appearances responded in unison: "Okay!"

The handsome guys are dressed in silk and satin, but they are carrying roasted whole lamb, roasted wild boar, roasted chicken and grilled fish... There is no image at all, it is a pity that they have handsome and handsome faces.

Ninth Elder Yan Control covered his eyes, turned his head and looked away, thinking: I'd better go back and see Zai Zai wash his eyes, Zai Zai is the cutest, Zai Zai is the most beautiful, and Zai Zai's smile is the most lovable!

The older brothers arrived with their own special dishes. Seeing that everyone had turned into human beings, the little Baibai beast turned around in a circle, and its appearance began to change. The glazed light flashed, and a cute Yuxue appeared, with black eyes shining Bright, a little girl carved from jade.

Elder Ninth glanced at it several times, reluctant to blink, and thought: his eyes are finally cleansed!Zai Zai is the cutest, Zai Zai is the most beautiful!

"Sister, try my fried noodles!"

"Sister, this is my new egg fried rice. I put a lot of ingredients, including shrimp, meat, mushrooms, cucumbers, corn..."

"Go away, go away, you are not as good as me! Sister, come, eat a roasted chicken leg, this is a chicken from the bamboo forest, these two legs are powerful, the muscles are tight, and they are delicious!"

"You guys are all side dishes! I'm the big dish! Sister, here's a roast leg of lamb!"

"Roasted lamb is not as fragrant as my roasted wild boar! Come on, my sister has a roasted pig's trotter, which is sizzling and oily. Look, how tempting it is!"

"These are too greasy and unhealthy at all! Sister, try Ge Dun's chicken stewed with wild mushrooms. It's delicious and reliable. The chicken is smooth, nourishing and nourishing, and it's nutritious and healthy!"

The elders looked more and more angry, and they all took out their crutches.



"Help, the elders are crazy!"

"Don't hit, don't hit, we are now in human form, not in a state of rough skin and thick flesh, it hurts, it hurts too much!"

Seeing that the stinking boys had been beaten away, the elder elder brought out his pear and white fungus soup, "Come on, be obedient, take a sip of the sweet pear soup, which is stewed by grandpa himself. The temperature is just right and it won't burn your mouth."

The little glutton watching the show in front of the barrier covered her mouth and secretly smiled, because the same fried noodles, fried rice, roasted whole lamb, roasted pig's trotters, stewed wild mushrooms with chicken, and a bowl of sweet pear and white fungus soup appeared on her table .

The little girl in the glazed dress hadn't had the pear and white fungus soup yet, and the pear and white fungus soup in front of the little Taotie had already been emptied. The little Taotie wiped his mouth, his eyebrows were curved, and he smiled like a greedy cat, sighing: "It's so sweet, so good." Drink! Better have another bowl!"

 5 more to ~

(End of this chapter)

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