Chapter 1845 Shouting for an Immediate Truce
"Ouch!" Ninth Elder couldn't hold back, and retched.

The great elder turned his head and stopped looking.

The picture is disgusting.

The Ninth Elder cursed: "You think you are sucking screws! It's disgusting!"

The woman's head was empty, her eyes were dull, and she was still alive.

This is similar to brain death, the heart is still beating, but the skull is... empty.

The Mediterranean boy still had some white around his mouth, and he grinned, the white and red sticking to his teeth.

"Ouch!" Ninth Elder vomited on his stomach again, this time he really vomited.

The little white beast wrinkled its nose and looked at the twitching boa constrictor lying on the ground. Although the boa constrictor was unconscious at the moment, its body still twitched from time to time.

The Mediterranean boy licked his teeth eagerly, and his eyes fell on the flesh of the boa constrictor.

The Mediterranean boy stared at the little white beast vigilantly for a while, seeing that it didn't seem to be interested in the snake body, then slowly began to bite, took a bite and looked at the little white beast, as if he was afraid that the little white beast would charge suddenly. Come and grab some food.

Little Taotie: "..."

Although she has a big appetite, and although she is not picky about food,...she really can't eat this weird python, and she will never grab food!

The Mediterranean boy sighed contentedly.

After finally digesting the python that has occupied the magpie's nest, no one wants another thing to live in their body.

After the Mediterranean boy devoured the python, his cultivation improved to a certain extent, and he was finally able to completely transform into a human form.

He has turned into a little boy. Although his facial features are cute and cute, his natural baldness still loses a lot of points.

"To thank you, I will help you deal with this golden-winged roc, and that... I won't share the spoils equally!"

Little Taotie nodded: "I won't eat."

The little boy in the Mediterranean rushed to the golden-winged roc high in the sky. With his help, the golden-winged roc who was fighting with the elder soon fell to the disadvantage.

The Ninth Elder had almost vomited, and seeing the turn of the situation, he immediately became arrogant: "Today, none of you can escape!"

The arrogant golden-winged roc in front couldn't get any more arrogant now, it roared angrily: "Let's all go! Let's go together!"

Those who hid in the shadows did not come out.

It's not such a solid alliance at all, it's just a profitable cooperation for the time being.

Now seeing the little white beast showing its might, beating the boa constrictor into such a miserable state with just a few fists, who would dare to attack it?
They are waiting and watching to see if the Golden Winged Roc can win. Even if the Golden Winged Roc loses, they also want to see if the Baibai little beast will pay a painful price, making the Baibai little beast unable to fight again. Then they can come out to pick up the leak.

"Damn it! You want to pick up the leak?" The golden-winged roc immediately understood the sinister intentions of these guys.

If you don't come out now, you are accumulating strength.

When you and the enemy fight to the point where you can't die and die together, then it must be a situation where both sides suffer!
At that time, these bedbugs hiding in the dark will come out to pick up the leaks!At that time, no matter who wins the two sides, they will become the food of these bedbugs!
"A truce! An immediate truce!" the golden-winged roc roared.

"If you say chase and kill, then chase and kill, if you say truce, then truce, why!" The Great Elder roared in response.

In fact, the Great Elder also knew what plans those guys in the dark had in mind, and he also knew that the fight should not continue, as it would only consume the fighting power and benefit the fisherman.

But Golden Winged Roc's attitude was too arrogant, and he was very upset.

The Ninth Elder also yelled: "Brother is right! Why do you say you won't fight if you don't fight? You're about to lose!"

(End of this chapter)

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