Chapter 1851 The endless grilled wings
Little Taotie's grandma is fierce and fierce: "That's not true! I'm not dangerous at all!"

The golden-winged roc voiced doubts: "Can you really protect me?"

Little Taotie straightened his back and patted his heart: "Don't worry! Don't worry! I will protect you!"

With this beat, a small bottle fell out from the fur of the little white beast.

As the wheel rolled away, the Ninth Elder quickly stretched out his claws and stopped the rolling bottle.

The Ninth Elder changed back into a human form, bent down to pick up the small bottle, wondering: "What is this?"

Ninth Elder shook the bottle, and there was a rolling sound in the bottle, "It looks like a pill."

He looked at Little Taotie, "Is it a pill?"

Little Taotie shook his head in a daze, and the little milk voice was ignorant: "I don't know either."

"Grandpa Ninth, can you open it and have a look?" Elder Ninth asked cautiously.

Little Taotie nodded his head: "Okay!"

The First Elder covered the mouth and nose of the Ninth Elder, and lowered his voice: "If it's a pill, don't be greedy!"

Ninth Elder stared angrily.

"Open it quickly." The Great Elder urged.

The Ninth Elder was depressed, so he could only obediently open the lid of the small bottle, and a scent of medicine came out, and the First Elder was a little hungry.

The Ninth Elder was covered with his mouth and nose, so he couldn't smell the fragrance of the medicine for a while.

The golden-winged roc was surprised: "Is it the regeneration pill?"

It broke its claws once, and gave everything it had, in exchange for a regeneration pill from Yao Lao, which gave birth to new claws.

"It smells better than the regenerative pills I used to take!"

The golden-winged roc looked at the cut of his broken wing, then at the bottle full of pills, and swallowed involuntarily.

The First Elder snatched the cork from the Ninth Elder's hand, immediately covered the bottle, and stared at the golden-winged roc vigilantly.

The Ninth Elder was liberated, took a few deep breaths, and could smell the fragrance of medicine remaining in the air.

"Brother, it's a good thing you covered my nose and mouth. I can't control the residual scent of the medicine. If you hadn't covered my nose and mouth, I would have gulped it all down!"

The golden-winged roc hesitated, approached the little white beast at some point, and whispered, "I'll cut off the rest of the wings for you, can you give me a elixir?"

Little Taotie blinked and pointed to the small bottle in the elder's hand, "Are you talking about the contents here?"

"To tell you the truth, I smelled the aroma of the pill and recognized it as the regeneration pill. If I can take one, I can regenerate a broken limb."

"Is one enough?" Little Taotie tilted his head: "Cut off one wing, wouldn't it be two less? Don't you need to take two?"

The golden-winged roc explained: "Severe fingers can be regenerated, one can be regenerated, two can be regenerated, even if all limbs are severed, only one can be regenerated."

Little Taotie's eyes lit up.

The golden-winged roc was so stared at that his back felt chills, and he retreated subconsciously.

"What are you... staring at me for?"

Little Taotie blinked: "Eat one and grow a pair of wings, then cut it off, eat another one, and it will grow another pair of wings, then cut it off, eat another... can you get a plate of wings?" ?”

The black shiny eyes are getting brighter and brighter, they are extremely beautiful.

But the golden-winged roc couldn't appreciate this kind of beauty at all. It trembled, backed up again and again, and hugged itself with one wing, "You... so cruel, so scary, so dangerous..."

"You are the most dangerous!" The golden-winged roc roared and fainted!
Little Taotie blinked and blinked again, his eyes were full of bewilderment.

"Pfft!" The Ninth Elder couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing: "Get more regeneration pills, and Zai Zai will have endless roasted wings!"

(End of this chapter)

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