The real daughter, Xiaotaotie, became popular in the entertainment industry

Chapter 1860 The pink crystal box with bear engraved

Chapter 1860 The pink crystal box with bear engraved
Why did someone call her daddy again?

Little Taotie tilted his head, blinked his big eyes, but didn't speak.

Caption: You are my blood.

Little Taotie blinked his eyes, pursed his lips, the little pear dimple was looming, but he didn't speak.

Subtitle: Call Daddy, chocolate and candy for you.

Little Taotie pursed his lips, but still didn't bark.

Suddenly, a chocolate mountain appeared in front of him, a castle made of candies.

Little Taotie's eyes lit up, but he didn't move his footsteps, he just watched and didn't approach.

Subtitle: Call Daddy, I will do all of this for you.

Little Taotie was a little moved, but thinking that this was just a dream, he blinked and shook his head.

Out of the dream, everything will come to naught.

Little Taotie sighed: "I can't even take it out..."

Dijun frowned.

Subtitle: You can take it out, but you can eat five candies and five chocolates a day.

A palm-sized box floated in front of Little Taotie.

Subtitle: You can bring this box out of your dreams, open the box every day, you can get five candies and five chocolates.

Little Taotie blinked, his eyes sparkled, as if the sky was filled with stars instantly.


"You're not lying to me, are you?"

"When I get out of the dream, if the box doesn't appear, I won't be able to find you."

Subtitle: You are not at a disadvantage, just call me Daddy, how about taking a gamble?Trust me?
Little Taotie hesitated, a little entangled: "Then... let me try? Don't lie to me!"

Subtitle: Call Daddy, you won't suffer.

Little Taotie opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

After hesitating for a while, she opened her mouth again, and the little milk's voice was very soft: "Barrier...Dad...Dad?"

Subtitle: I am me, the one just now was not there, so you don’t need to use the word barrier when calling me.

Little Taotie's eyes became dizzy, she was confused.

Caption: Look, the font is different, he's using thin gold.

Little Taotie looked carefully and nodded: "Your handwriting...better."

Subtitle: Foresight is my flesh and blood.

Little Taotie pursed her lips, Xiao Liwo subconsciously sank, and her eyes also bent.

Subtitle: Identify us with the font on the rear screen. When you see my characters, call them Daddy.

Little Taotie asked in a childish voice, "When you see Brother Bing Bian's words, you call him Brother, right?"

Dijun laughed.

Caption: Smart!
Being praised, Little Taotie blushed, and lightly touched the palm-sized box with her little hand.

The box is crystal and is her favorite shade of pink.

The pink crystal is cut crystal clear and beautiful, and there is a little bear engraved on the lid of the box.

Little Taotie's little pear slumped, and he asked in a childish voice, "Can I... can I take it away?"

Subtitle: It's yours, do you like it?
Little Taotie held the pink crystal box and looked at the little bear on it, feeling familiar, similar to her plush little bear.

"I like it, have you seen my little bear? The little bear carved on it looks like my little bear!"

Dijun's eyes are gentle and doting.

Not like, he carved it after the bear cub.

The pink is also because Zai Zai likes it, he specially selected the raw materials.

Caption: As long as you like it.

"Tsk tsk tsk, pet baby crazy devil! Tell me, when did you secretly prepare?" the afro-haired, black-faced emperor asked standing behind the emperor.

Dijun didn't even bother to look at him, and threw a thunder ball over.

The Emperor of Heaven laughed: "I have prepared for it, otherwise I will not come back!"

I saw the emperor holding a huge tripod, and firmly connected the thunder ball to the tripod.

The corner of Dijun's mouth twitched: "Not sinking?"

(End of this chapter)

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