The aroma of roasted wild boar spreads...

Little Taotie didn't know if it was cooked or not, but the surface was already scorched black. Little Claws approached cautiously, and pushed the wild boar's feet away from the fire with a small wooden stick.

Without a knife, the little Taotie learned how to use the pointed nails on the small claws to separate the wild boar skin, exposing the white meat inside.

When the pork turned white, it was ready to eat. Little Taotie cheered happily, and it was still the little beast's "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh".

The little white beast buried its head in the big pig's trotters and gnawed at the meat.

A huge white shadow descended from a high altitude, holding something black in its hand.

The little Taotie had a full stomach, looked up at it with his belly upright, and squinted his eyes to see clearly what he was holding in his hand, which was the big wild boar that had run away.

The big wild boar died a long time ago, his eyes were wide open, and a tusk was missing.

"It's useless. After so long, I only got a pig's trotter, and let it run away. Don't say it's my son!"

A deafening sound rang in my ears, and the little Taotie was so angry that he stood up and yelled: "Big speaker, you are so annoying, it's so noisy!"

"Huh? Can I talk now?"

Little Taotie touched his throat with his small claws, looked down at his own hairy body, a little dazed.

I am still a little beast in vain, how can I speak?I couldn't just now!
"Are you scolding me? How dare you!"

The huge white shadow grabbed the back neck of the little Baibai beast with its big paws, and Baibai flew up into the air, its short legs kicked in mid-air several times, its small face was puffed up, and the fur around its mouth was shaking wildly.

Little Taotie's nanny fierce and fierce: "Put me down! Scoundrel!"

"Oh! Is this broken? I haven't beaten you and scolded you, but you scolded me first!"

The huge white shadow was about to use the other paw to pat the little white beast's little PP, when suddenly a figure floated over and blocked that paw.

It is a woman with a gentle and full face, clear and watery eyes, plump lips, and a round figure, not fat, but a very well-proportioned and uniform figure, and every line feels gentle and soft.

This is a woman as gentle and beautiful as Wen Yu, which makes people feel a sense of intimacy and wants to get close to her.

Little Taotie took a look at this big beautiful sister, and then at the cowardly-looking huge white figure that immediately lowered its head, tilted its head, and couldn't figure out what was so scary about this very gentle-looking big beautiful sister, why? The huge white shadow frightened like this?
"Are you scared?" The gentle beauty embraced the little Taotie with both hands.

The little white beast was in her arms like a little cub.

Little Taotie was surprised to find that this big beauty was a bit tall, and he couldn't see it without comparison. Now that he was in her arms, he could feel how tall she was, and she should be two meters tall!

The little white beast opened its big eyes like a little milk cat and looked curiously at the beautiful face right in front of it. The little milk said in a soft voice, "No...not afraid!"

The little white beast blushed, the flesh in its ears was completely red, and its big eyes shone shyly, not daring to look at the gentle beauty's smile.

"It's still small, don't treat it like this." The big beauty yelled angrily at the huge white shadow.

The gentleness just now is gone, a little... fierce!

Little Taotie was extremely shocked, his big eyes were wide open, and he looked at the big beauty as if in surprise.

"It scolded me first. I didn't want to really hit it, so I frightened it. If the brat begged for mercy, I would definitely not hit it."

"Then what if it doesn't beg for mercy?"

"This...then..." The giant white shadow whispered: "I'll just pat it lightly, I promise, it's very light..."

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