Chapter 1878 Epiphyllum Birthmark on Shoulder

The two childhood friends have a common hobby, which is to visit mother and baby stores and buy something for their daughter-in-law and children.

Such as comfortable pajamas pajamas and slippers for confinement, such as beautiful little clothes for children.

Two men would quarrel over things like whose child had bigger eyes.

"My little angel has a birthmark on his shoulder. Guess what it is?" The chubby man had a showy look in his eyes.

The cool man frowned and asked, "Left or right?"

The fat man smiled and said, "On the right."

The cool man muttered: "My little princess also has a birthmark on her left shoulder."

The fat man's eyes lit up: "What a coincidence? Could it be a flower too?"

"Are you also flowers?" The cool man was surprised.

The fat man nodded: "Guess what flower it is?"

The cool man frowned and said, "It can't be Epiphyllum, right?"

"Huh? Why did you guess right? No..." The fat man's eyes were shocked: "Could it be a short-lived epiphyllum?"

Cool man: "This is too is on the left and the other is on the right."

"Maybe it's a natural fate, maybe the two of them grew up like us in their previous lives!" the fat man said jokingly.

The cool guy rolled his eyes at him, and said angrily: "Don't talk about the last life, in this life, the two of them don't want to be young, right? Just because of the relationship between our two families, and the fact that they are both of the same year, the same month, and the same day." The fate of the students, it is destined that the kindergarten, elementary and middle schools will be together!"

"We will be together in high school, just like us!" The slightly fat man smiled and said, "When the two children reach their full moon, take them out and meet them, and let them be good friends at the full moon!"

"On the way upstairs and downstairs, we still have to wait for the full moon?" The cool man gave him another roll of his eyes.

The slightly chubby man said very seriously: "Children are too young to blow the wind. They have to wait until the full moon to go out."

The corner of the cool man's mouth twitched: "Elevator room, upstairs and downstairs, just wrap it up tighter, I'll take the child to you, don't let the child out."

The fat man looked pitifully.

The cool man was annoyed: "What kind of eyes do you have?"

The fat man sighed: "I'm afraid you will be beaten up by your wife when you go back."

"Am I like the kind of person who would be beaten by his wife?"


At the elevator entrance, a chubby man was waiting. The door opened, but he didn't see the cool man holding the child. He asked in surprise, "Didn't you say you brought the child? Why are you here alone? Hey, what happened to your eyes?"

The cool man turned his body sideways to hide: "It's nothing, I was scratched by the cat at home."

"Cat? Isn't your cat sent to your parents to raise it first? It seems that your daughter-in-law sent it away the day she knew she was pregnant?"

"Now that the baby is born, I will definitely bring it back. Okay, come on, Rory, stop asking! I'm here to tell you that my baby has fallen asleep and won't come."

"Then tomorrow?"

"It won't work tomorrow either, the child is spitting up a bit, so he won't go out."

"Is that so..."

"Hey! What kind of eyes do you have!"

The chubby man put away his pitiful eyes, knowing that his little boy was a stubborn one, so he didn't expose him. He nodded and said, "Understood, let the children meet after the child is full moon."

"Yeah, then I'm leaving." The cool man covered the wound in the corner of his eye and ran away in desperation.

His cat is still with his parents and hasn't been picked up yet. It wasn't the cat who scratched it. It was his wife who scratched him when he proposed to take the child out.


At the full moon, the two children hold a banquet together.

The two children finally met. The two children babbled and didn't know what to say to each other, but they looked very close, as if they had known each other for many, many years.

The adults were surprised to find that the birthmarks of the two epiphyllums were exactly the same.

(End of this chapter)

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