Chapter 1893
"Why?" Xiao Taotie asked while staring at a spot in the toilet.

Gu Yixing blocked it with his body to prevent others from seeing it.

Little Taotie asked again: "Sister, why did you have to die?"

"It's too difficult!" The lady at the counter smiled wryly: "The entertainment industry is too difficult, it's too difficult to get ahead, I don't want to live anymore, I've already lived very tiredly, I want to be famous, this is The only way I could think of to be famous."

Little Glutton couldn't believe it.

I don't understand why some people would risk their lives just to be famous.

"You do not understand?"

At this moment, the lady at the counter turned into A Piao, her hair was wet, her face was pale, her eyes protruded from the water, and her whole face was swollen.

" won't understand."

"You became popular at such a young age, how can you understand the mood of a person like me, who can't get a role no matter how hard he works, even if it's just a character with one or two lines!"

"Studying art is more expensive than other majors. My parents borrowed a lot of money for my education. They want to pay for it, because everyone says that stars earn more. They think that as long as I graduate, I will If I can find a movie to shoot, as long as I make a movie, I can get money and pay off my debts, and their life will become better because of me."

"But after graduating, I went to many theaters, but who wants me? I have no experience. Although I am good-looking, there are too many good-looking people..."

"I don't want to do things that go against my conscience, so I can't wait for the role."

"Later, I finally met an agent who was willing to sign me and give me a chance, and indeed he offered me several roles."

"But those were dubious roles, and it wasn't good for my acting career."

"I want to refuse, but because of the contract relationship, if I refuse, I will lose money. I bite the bullet and play the role of the third and fourth, or the role of accompanying the wine. In the end, because of these roles that are not on the stage, many men think I am real. It's such a dubious person who started to treat me..."

Her voice became sharp: "I will not compromise! Even if I die, I will not compromise, but everyone is forcing me, even my parents are forcing me! It is time to pay back the money borrowed from relatives and friends. But the money I earned was not enough to eat, and most of the money was deducted by the agent."

"They want me to...compromise!"

"Is this what your parents said?"

"They actually want me to compromise, and want me to pay off the debt first!"

"They even thought it was a way out because some actors took off their red clothes and put them back on one after another, and they were still very popular. They wanted me to follow those people! I don't want to!"

"I'm serious about acting, I graduated from a prestigious school, why should I take such a wild path! I don't want to, I don't want to!"

"I wanted to be famous, I just wanted to...create a little confusion, to be remembered in this way, but I didn't expect...I really died!"

"Someone! Someone held my head down!"

Little Taotie shouted: "What are you talking about, please make it clear! You mean that you didn't want to die, you wanted to bury your head in the pool to create some chaos, but someone held your head down, so you really died? "

"Yes!" The counter lady hugged her head: "Why are you forcing me, why! No, no, I don't want to die!"

"No...let me go!"

"Who is it! Who held me down, I don't want to die!"

(End of this chapter)

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