Chapter 1895 Little Taotie Talking to himself
"Turn on the live broadcast!"

"Director, you are crazy, how can this kind of lens be seen!"

"You are the one who is crazy, why don't you seize such a good exposure opportunity!"

"Director, no, no..."

The Live button is turned on.

The screen that was originally completely black appeared again.

The direction of the camera was surprising, it was the direction of the little Taotie. Gu Yixing, who had his back to the little Taotie, did not notice it. He protected the side of the little Taotie, so that no one present could see that the little Taotie was talking to A Piao.

But he didn't protect the other side and was caught by the camera.

In the picture, Little Taotie is talking to himself.

The audience cannot see the existence of A Piao, but only a little girl talking to herself.

[What's wrong with this child? 】

【What are you talking about? 】

[Speaking too softly, I can't hear clearly, it seems to be persuading someone? 】

【Is she sick?Why are you talking to yourself? 】

【Little he sick? 】

[How many celebrities do not have psychological problems? 】

[Little Taotie was hacked like that before, there must be something wrong with her, look, she seems to be really talking to someone, she is very sick! 】

Various posts were brushed up.

More and more people think that Xiao Taotie is sick.

"Director, you are hurting her!"

"What I want is explosion! It's the show explosion! I signed the betting agreement, this time it must be explosion!"

"Director, you can't ignore Xiao Taotie's life and death just to make the show popular!"

"What is she afraid of? She can't survive in the entertainment industry, and she will be raised by Cheng Guodong when she goes back! She won't die if she doesn't become a star. If my show fails, I will jump off the building. I really jumped off the building!"

"Director, you are crazy, really crazy!"

"Yes, you just think I'm crazy. If I want to make the show popular, I have to sacrifice some people's personal interests. How can I hype it if there is no hot spot?"

Little Taotie didn't know that the scene of him talking to sister Ah Piao at the counter had already been seen by audiences across the country.

In the eyes of the national audience, Ah Piao was almost invisible, so that everyone thought she was sick.

But it is not absolute, there are always some special existence.

Soon some posts with different voices came out: [Please record the program, then play it backwards, you will see blurred spots, and you can vaguely see a shadow, that is a human figure. 】

[Stop joking, who is there? 】

[I saw it too, it's a blood shadow. 】

[I saw a woman with drenched wet hair, which was terrifying. 】

[When you take pictures on the TV, you will find that the pictures taken... have double images. 】

[I also took a picture, and there is no double image, but I can see the water droplets. 】

[Yes, I also saw water droplets in the direction of Xiao Taotie's conversation. 】

[Then here comes the question, why do everyone see things differently? Are you all joking? 】

[It's getting late, please don't be scary, I didn't see anything, I only saw the little Taotie talking to himself. 】

【Suppose Xiao Taotie is not talking to himself?So who is she talking to? 】

[Let's think about it before and after, the counter lady is dead, she buried her head in the sink and suffocated to death, then her hair must be wet. Could the wet figure you see be the counter lady?Could it be that the person Xiao Taotie is talking to is the dead counter lady? 】

[I'm shaking all over, it's kind of scary!I dare not think about it anymore! 】

[There is this possibility. After all, the lady at the counter just died. If there are really ghosts in the world, it is indeed possible to see ghosts during the seven-day vigil. 】

【Then the question is, why can Xiao Taotie talk to ghosts? 】

(End of this chapter)

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