The real daughter, Xiaotaotie, became popular in the entertainment industry

Chapter 1903 Zai Zai was arrested for doing bad things

Chapter 1903 Zai Zai was arrested for doing bad things

Little Taotie made a phone call to Hua Jinyan, Hua Jinyan didn't want to agree at first, but he heard the little Taotie's embarrassment, thinking that in the next few years, Little Taotie would still get along with roommates in the dormitory...

In the end, Hua Jinyan agreed.

Hearing that he agreed, Little Taotie breathed a sigh of relief, and softly said: "Don't worry, I will tell her not to touch your things."

"it does not matter."

"I don't know about you yet, if she touches it, you turn around and throw it away." Xiao Taotie muttered: "Cleanliness."

Hua Jin said helplessly: "Be careful when you come here."

"Understood, you just wait."

After hanging up the phone, the little Taotie waved to Luo Luo: "I'd better give you a hug, if we are discovered, run away as soon as possible, if we can't run away, bite the bullet so that we can't tell who we are, They can't find us at all."

"OK!" Luo Luo said confidently, "I'll take care of things, don't worry."

"Don't touch Huahua's things, his things are very expensive, if you touch them..."

Luo Luo interrupted: "I can afford it, I'm a little rich woman!"

Little Taotie sighed: "Do you know how much one of his teacups cost?"

"It's just a teacup, how much can it cost?"

"It's a cup with black technology, it seems to be more than 3, and it's a prize he got for participating in a competition."

"Thirty thousand... just one cup?" Luo Luo swallowed, "I... I can barely pay for it."

She lowered her head and began to calculate her new year's money, pocket money, salary...

The small face was wrinkled, and the voice was lower: "What else is valuable, tell me, I will try not to touch it."

Little Taotie recalled what Hua Jinyan put in the suitcase.

She tilted her head, and said in a baby voice: "A SLR camera costs more than 5 yuan, and the lens is equipped separately. The price of each lens is different. The most expensive lens is about 30 yuan..."

"His computer is an assembly machine, and the contents inside are all airlifted. It is a research and development project that cannot be bought in the market at present. If you insist on calculating the price, it is estimated to cost millions..."

"Stop!" Luo Luo took off his hat and sunglasses, and lay down on the bed: "I've changed my mind, I won't go, I'm sleepy, I'll go to bed first, good night!"


Little Taotie quietly came to the front of the boys' dormitory.

From a distance, I saw the uncle in the dormitory guarding the door. The uncle looked down at the newspaper, looking very serious.

It should not be diverted to other places for a short time.

Little Taotie walked forward boldly.

I thought in my heart that if it is sneaky and easy to be suspected, it is better to walk in openly. It looks like a normal student union dormitory, which will not be suspicious or attract attention.

"Where are you going?" The uncle in the dormitory suddenly raised his head.

A pair of sharp and vicious eyes stared at the little Taotie.

Little Taotie's footsteps stopped and his whole body froze.

At this moment, it seemed that the eyes had seen through her, and there was no secret at all.

Little Taotie's back lit up, and he took a small step back subconsciously.

Feeling too cowardly, she took another small step forward and returned to the original point, "I... I'm going back to the dormitory!"

Little Taotie quietly clenched his fists, heaving a sigh of relief, extremely nervous.

"Oh? Why haven't I seen you?"

"I am new here!"

"I have information on everyone here, including the newcomer."

When the matter was revealed, Little Taotie turned around and ran away.

Before he could run a few steps, someone grabbed Destiny's back collar and lifted it up!
Little Taotie kicked his feet in the air, and the little milk said angrily, "Let go of me! Let me go!"

(End of this chapter)

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