The real daughter, Xiaotaotie, became popular in the entertainment industry

Chapter 1907 The Fried Sauce Is Too Fragrant and Confused

Chapter 1907 The Fried Sauce Is Too Fragrant and Confused

When little Taotie woke up, he met little Luoluo's magnified pitiful face.

Little Luoluo smiled: "You're awake~"

Little Taotie was a little dazed.

It seemed that he was still outside the boys' dormitory a moment ago...

She looked down at her quilt, and turned her head to look at the sky outside. The sun was shining and the sun was rising.

"When did I... come back?"

"Not long after you went out, you were brought back by the aunt in the dormitory."

"It was the aunt in the dormitory... who brought me back?" Little Taotie tilted his head, racking his brains, and then remembered that he was hugged by the aunt in the dormitory at last, smelling very sweet, and the voice of the aunt in the dormitory was very gentle. like hypnosis...

right!It is hypnosis!

From the smell to the sound, the technique of patting the back is hypnotizing!

I was hypnotized!
Little Taotie jumped up and went to look through the clothes he wore yesterday.

"What are you looking for?"

"My pink box! Gone!"

"You mean the pink crystal box?"

"Have you seen it?" Little Taotie looked at her suspiciously.

Little Luoluo nodded: "It seems to be in the hands of the aunt in the dormitory. When she brought you back yesterday, she held a pink crystal box in her hand. There was a little bear engraved on the box lid, because the little bear is very cute. I took a few glances."

"Why is it in the hands of the aunt in the dormitory? Obviously that scoundrel snatched it!"

"Bad guy?"

"The uncle in the boys' dormitory!" Little Taotie clenched his fists angrily, "He stole my pink box!"

"That may be from the dormitory uncle to the dormitory aunt." Little Luoluo leaned closer to the little Taotie's ear and whispered: "I heard that the dormitory uncle is pursuing the dormitory aunt. Maybe seeing that box is beautiful, he borrowed flowers to present Buddha."

"How could he do this! It's obviously mine!"

"Let's go to the aunt in the dormitory and make it clear, maybe she will give it back to you. She is still very gentle and easy to talk to our young girls."

"Is it really easy to talk?" Little Taotie hesitated, after all she made a mistake yesterday, and she didn't know if she would be punished.

"Don't worry, she won't attack us, she will attack those older girls at most."

"Then if we grow up, will it kill us?" Little Taotie asked.

Little Luoluo shook her head: "I don't know, anyway, we are still young now!"

This is just and aboveboard, making more mistakes because of your young age.

The two little girls washed up, changed their clothes and went downstairs. The aunt in the dormitory was drinking soy milk and eating pan-fried buns in the lounge. Seeing them coming, she waved and said amiably, "Come, have some pan-fried pancakes."

Little Taotie blushed slightly, shook his head: "I..." I'm not hungry.

Before he had time to say it, he heard Xiao Luoluo anxiously shouting beside him: "Okay, I want one or two! Little Taotie also wants it!"

Little Taotie blinked blankly.

Little Luoluo yelled anxiously: "Hurry up and eat, this is the fried rice made by Auntie herself, it's delicious!"

Little Taotie didn't know why he sat across from his aunt in the dormitory and started eating fried rice. He didn't come to his senses until he finished eating four.

The aunt in the dormitory asked with a smile: "Do you want more?"

Little Taotie immediately shook his head: " need."

Little Luoluo raised her little hand: "I want more! Little Taotie is sorry! I'll ask for another one or two for her!"

So the little Taotie ate again silently.

After eating four more, her little face turned red.

The aunt in the dormitory opened the drawer and took out a pink crystal box from the innermost part of the drawer.

"Are you here to ask for this?"

Little Taotie's eyes lit up, and he reached out to take it, but the aunt in the dormitory withdrew her hand.

Little Taotie blinked and looked at her blankly.

"You can take it back, but you have to tell me, why did you sneak into the boys' dormitory?"

(End of this chapter)

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