Chapter 1914 Eating Dog Food Every Day
For 200 consecutive days, Xiao Taotie ran with him every day, although sometimes he only accompanied him for about 17 laps.

Every time it reaches the 10th lap, Xiao Taotie's speed will become slower and slower. In order not to affect Hua Jinyan, he will force Hua Jinyan to continue running forward.

Looking at Hua Jinyan's back, she gritted her teeth and insisted on chasing.

So when Hua Jinyan ran 20 laps, she often only ran 17 laps and was left behind by about 3 laps.

But for a little girl, 17 laps every day, rain or shine, is also admirable.

The uncle in the dormitory will appear to make trouble at the beginning, get angry with the little girl, and always make the little Taotie jump up and down.

But the number of times it appeared later was less, and it has not appeared in the last 50 days.

Little Taotie wondered, "Why doesn't he supervise you?"

Hua Jin said: "You mean the uncle in the dormitory?"

"Yeah, he already..." Little Taotie recalled, "It's been 50 days, right?"

Hua Jin said: "Almost."

"Isn't he worried that you don't run 20 laps?"

Hua Jinyan pointed to the surroundings: "If I run less, these people will go to sue."

Little Taotie looked around, a little astonished: "Did you offend them?"

Surrounded by fourteen or fifteen-year-old brothers.

But the little brothers looked at Hua Jinyan in a strange way, as if...very jealous?

"No offense."

"Then why do they seem to be very unfriendly, and keep staring at you, ready to sue at any time?"

"There are always a lot of boring people."

Little Taotie tilted his head and thought for a while, but he still couldn't figure it out.

Hua Jinyan changed the subject and said, "Today is the last day, and starting tomorrow, I don't need to get up early and run in the morning."

"I'm getting used to it. Now you run 20 laps, I can occasionally hold on to 18 laps."

Hua Jinyan laughed: "Are you still addicted? Too much intensity is not conducive to our growth. We can also run in the morning in the future, but we only need to run 3 to 5 laps to warm up."

"Well, I'm going to run in the morning tomorrow, don't forget!"

Hua Jinyan nodded: "Three laps."

Little Taotie aggressively stretched out a hand and spread out five fingers: "5 laps!"

Hua Jinyan nodded: "Okay, take a rest when you're tired, don't be brave."

Little Taotie patted his heart: "To me, 5 laps is nothing, it's just drizzle!"

They went to the cafeteria, and a group of teenagers were about to die of soreness after hearing this.

"Are they going to keep running?"

"I thought today was the last meal of dog food, but I didn't expect to eat dog food every day in the future!"

"God, open your eyes, he already had a girlfriend before he was ten years old, why am I already sixteen, and I haven't even held a girl's hand!"

"Have you ever held a girl's hand?"

"Have you held it?"

"To tell you the truth, during the piano class, I touched the junior girl's hand and told her how to play."

"You are using power for personal gain!"

"I learned this trick, I have to write it down quickly!"

"Should I talk to that kid, it's too arrogant to show affection every day!"

"Yes! It's too arrogant! The uncle in the dormitory punishes him, but he is fine, and instead asks his girlfriend to run with him! He is simply the scum among us boys!"

"Yes, scum!"

"Don't make trouble, that kid is a bit fierce."


"How should I put it, it should be said to be evil."


"There is reliable news, that kid..." A boy pointed to his eyes, lowered his voice, and muttered: "I can see those things."

"Those things? What?"

"Idiot! Unclean stuff!"

"Unclean things? What?"

"Ah Piao! Ghost! Do you understand!!!"

"Don't scare me, I've been afraid of hearing ghost stories since I was a child..."

(End of this chapter)

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