Chapter 1919 They Always Think Wrong

Little Taotie asked in a daze, "Are college students all bad?"

Hua Jin said: "As human beings, there are bad and good."

Little Taotie sighed.

"What's wrong?" Hua Jin was puzzled.

Little Taotie said faintly, "Ah Piao, there are also evil spirits and resentful spirits."

Hua Jinyan was silent.

Except for people, it seems that everything living in this world, including birds and beasts, also has good and bad.

This may be the system that exists in the world.

Or maybe, from a long time ago, someone has told the world that the world is yin and yang.

The yin and yang gossip is a circle, and the blue star is a circle.

Everything is on track.

After eating the grilled chicken, Xiao Taotie patted his forehead, and his small oily hand patted on his forehead, staining his fair forehead.

Hua Jinyan took out a veil and wiped off the oily stains on her forehead. The movement was very light, but her skin was still red.

Hua Jin said: "..."

Little Taotie put him on his shoulders, "Why are you staring at the handkerchief?"

She doesn't quite understand Huahua, why don't use paper towels, how convenient it is to throw away after use!
Hua Jinyan put away the handkerchief, lowered his eyes: "This handkerchief needs to be changed."

Little Taotie looked relieved: "You finally figured it out, are you willing to use tissues?"

Hua Jin said: "I want to change the material to a softer one."

Little Taotie: "...All right, all right, little old man! Heh heh!"

Only old people use handkerchiefs!

Little Taotie strode forward, looking for a sink to wash his hands.

Hua Jinyan followed behind her, thinking about what kind of material is softer, his veil is already high-quality silk.

When the two children were far away, a boy said, "Brother Tie, what is the name of that little boy? His craftsmanship is really good. Do we want to cooperate with him for a long time?"

"Can consider it."

"Fat bear, give me your phone quickly, and I'll send you a text message."

"Brother Tie, don't be like this, I really just treat her as my younger sister!"

"Some people miss it and don't have it anymore."

"Brother Tie, why do you sound like a person who has experienced emotional hardship?"


"Tell us quickly, who was dumped?"

"You bastards, you don't want to eat chicken anymore, do you?"

"Brother Tie, brothers care about you!"

"That's right, we just care about you~"

"Don't be a bitch!"


After washing his little hands, Little Taotie patted his forehead: "I forgot, the chicken is for the new uncle in the dormitory!"

They agreed to catch two chickens in the back mountain, roast one and eat it on the spot, and send the other to the new dormitory uncle, as well as a bottle of good wine.

If you drink too much, it will be easy to talk!
Hua Jinyan spent a lot of money to buy the wine, and entrusted someone to hide it in a cardboard box, wrap it in a down jacket, and finally brought it in by fishing in troubled waters.

As a result, of the two chickens, one was handed over, and she ate the other.

"It's all my fault, I'm too greedy, even if I leave a chicken leg for the new uncle!" Little Taotie was extremely annoyed.

Hua Jinyan comforted: "It's okay, don't you have a little twist?"

"Little twist?"

"You can drink and have some snacks, just bring more."

"Really?" Little Taotie hesitated.



Little Taotie was holding a big bag of small twists, and Hua Jinyan was holding a down jacket.

Someone passed by and asked Little Taotie, "Where are you going?"

Little Taotie: "Let's go for a picnic."

The man laughed: "It's on a date, kids nowadays really know how to play."

The man left, the little Taotie pouted.

"What's the matter, unhappy?"

"No, I just feel baffled. They always think wrongly. We are obviously young. They always think that I will marry you when I grow up."

(End of this chapter)

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