Xiao Taotie's peeking eyes were caught, and he met Lu Yuan's eyes. During the process of looking at each other, Xiao Taotie saw that the barren land on top of Lu Yuan began to change, and tender green seedlings appeared...

Little Taotie laughed happily.

"What's wrong?" Lu Yuan asked.

Little Taotie blushed, and her voice was full of joy: "Uncle Bailu, Uncle Tie must still be alive, let's go find him together!"

Lu Yuan lowered his eyes and lowered his voice: "Don't go."

Little Taotie quit immediately, angrily: "Uncle Bailu, you are crossing the river and tearing down bridges! If I hadn't invited Uncle Ghost to come here, you wouldn't even know that Uncle Tie is still alive! Now you want to leave us and act alone!"

"I'm just worried about your safety."

Little Taotie was enraged, and waved his small fist in the air, as if he would be uncontrollably punched at any moment.

Uncle Guicha was watching the show from the sidelines.

hum!Bullying Zai Zai, still thinking of crossing the river and demolishing the bridge?Don't even ask him if he agrees or not!
Now this uncle ghost messenger is no longer an ordinary low-level employee of the underworld, but a small leader. He can be regarded as the right-hand man of the judge. He still manages more than a dozen ghost messengers under his command. up.

Little Taotie naturally didn't know that Uncle Guicha was ready to help make up the knife at any time.

A person with explosive force, seriously said that she is a reasonable person who doesn't like to fight, why is it so funny?

His laughter made Hua Jinyan dissatisfied, and Hua Jinyan gave him a sideways look.

This is why Xiao Taotie asked him if Uncle Tie had been taken to the underworld, and he was able to quickly tell Xiao Taotie that there was no such person, because he was able to contact him very quickly and asked if he had taken this person away these days.

Lu Yuan raised his eyes, there was no fear in his eyes, but there was some smile on the contrary: "I am young and have a bad temper, I didn't believe you just now, it was indeed my fault first, and I should have punched you to vent my anger Yeah, come on, I'm ready to get punched."

Master Guichai is playing with the book in his hand. It looks like an ordinary black book, but it can actually be transformed into three changes, one of which is to become an iron shroud.

In fact, the little girl has calmed down now, and the little fist has been put down.

Her small face was tangled, and her small brows were almost turning into small twists. The little milk voice was stubborn: "If you didn't see it with your own eyes, few people would believe what I said. It was reasonable for you not to believe it at first, but you Now crossing rivers and demolishing bridges is unreasonable, I am reasonable, I don’t like to do it, let’s reason.”

Little Taotie: "..."

In fact, if he resisted, Xiao Taotie's fist might really hit him.

But Hua Jinyan next to him took a deep look at Uncle Guicha.

The ghost messenger uncle on the side almost laughed out loud.

As long as the little Taotie punched him, and the other party dared to run away or fight back, he would cover the person with iron, making the little Taotie happy and refreshed.

But now the other party not only doesn't resist, but also looks generous to hit you casually, Xiao Taotie is a little bit hesitant to fight.

Uncle Guicha was apprehensive, lowered his head, covered his mouth, not daring to laugh.

Little Taotie rolled up his sleeves and said seriously: "Come on, let's start to reason."

This time it was Lu Yuan who smiled: "You roll up your sleeves and want to fight, you don't look like a reasonable person at all."

Little Taotie put down his sleeves silently, and the little milk said in a soft voice, "I'm just a little hot, just let my wrists breathe."

Lu Yuan stopped laughing, and said gently: "Okay, then tell me your reasoning."

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