Chapter 1932 Only Ah Piao can't see
Little Taotie stuck out his tongue embarrassingly, and coaxed the little sparrow in his palm: "Little sparrow, don't pretend, I already know you are pretending to be dizzy, wake up, okay, I just want to ask you This question, I know you are a very smart little sparrow, you will definitely be able to answer me! Ah! You secretly looked at me, I found out!"

The little sparrow opened a gap to peek, and then closed it again.

Little Taotie touched its small head, the little sparrow's fur was soft and warm, a little comfortable.

Little Sparrow felt that he was going to be bald, so he opened his eyes angrily and stared at Little Taotie.

Uncle Guicha let out a surprise: "It looks familiar."

"Familiar?" Little Taotie and Little Sparrow looked at Uncle Guicha at the same time.

Uncle Guicha: "The look of staring at people is a bit familiar. A few days ago, I seemed to have taken in the spirit body of a sparrow. It died without a whole body. It was a bit miserable. I made a few jokes and was stared at."

The little sparrow chirped and continued to stare at Uncle Guicha.

"No way?" Uncle Guicha was surprised: "Wait, I'll look through the book."

Uncle Ghost Escort checked, was stunned for a moment, and then laughed: "It's true, it's a coincidence, we meet again, little sparrow."

The little sparrow, who was still chirping and chirping, but didn't want to be rubbed by the little Taotie, suddenly became docile.

There is also an episode in which the little sparrow ate half of sister Meng’s watermelon, so she will be born with intelligence in this life. It is much smarter than ordinary little sparrows, and its IQ is higher than that of dogs and cats. children around age.

The little sparrow flew out from Xiao Taotie's palm, and landed on the photo, with its small head tilted, its neck leaning forward, its big eyes staring at the person in the photo, looking very carefully.

Little Taotie chased after him.

Little Taotie stood in front of nothingness and called out, "Uncle Tie!"

The other sparrow flew away long ago, and now it is the only one left, and it has also become the main object of questioning.

Hua Jinyan followed behind Xiao Taotie, Lu Yuan and Uncle Guicha also chased after him.

"Great! You actually saw it! Where is he now, do you know?"

But soon, Lu Yuan was desperate.

"So you like watermelon too, and I like it too!" Little Taotie rubbed his little face against the little sparrow's head: "You can come home with me in the future, I will support you!"

Hua Jinyan cooperated with the display photos.

Little Taotie asked in a childish voice, "Little Sparrow, have you seen my Uncle Tie?"

"Ji!" The little sparrow flew back into the palm of the little Taotie, nodding obediently.

"Hey!" The little sparrow nodded.

The little sparrow tilted its head, and the little Taotie tilted its head accordingly, looking at each other.

"Do you want me to follow you?" Little Taotie asked.

Little Taotie thought that the little sparrow didn't understand, and wanted to ask again, but saw the little sparrow fly up suddenly, stopped in mid-air and looked back at her, then flew forward a little, looked back at her, as if signaling to little Taotie to follow.

"The direction it flew was not the direction we left with the corpse, so that corpse must not be Lao Tie." Lu Yuan's eyes brightened, and he believed more and more that Lao Tie was alive and not dead.

Little Taotie learned from Uncle Guicha that this little sparrow had a miserable life in its previous life. It was occupied by a foreign soul, and almost lost its soul. Fortunately, Sister Meng picked up a remnant soul and repaired it. The little sparrow after reincarnation.

"Uncle Tie." Hua Jinyan stopped.

Lu Yuan's voice trembled: "I...why I can't see."

In fact, he already had the answer in his heart.

Only the dead, only Ah Piao, can be seen by Xiao Taotie and Hua Jinyan, but not by him.

(End of this chapter)

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