The real daughter, Xiaotaotie, became popular in the entertainment industry

Chapter 1934 The old iron is going to check the laboratory

Chapter 1934 The old iron is going to check the laboratory
Seeing her persistence, Uncle Guicha racked his brains and finally thought of a possibility.

"It's not that there are other possibilities."

"Uncle, do you have a solution?"

Uncle Guicha frowned: "The head may not be destroyed, but it is no longer his. That's why this happened, and he completely lost his mind. But this kind of situation is rare. There was such a case once."

Little Taotie looked at him excitedly: "Say it! Say it quickly!"

"There was a pair of deformed twins with two heads and the same body. They couldn't be separated at all. Once they were separated, one had to die. Later, the selfish brother drugged his brother's tea and performed an operation. He thought the operation was successful, but his will dissipated, instead, his brother's will used his head. After death, some changes will occur, and the original deformity will return, so he has a body, But this body belongs to my elder brother, the head and body do not match, so I cannot reincarnate at all, until my elder brother dies, I can exchange it and reincarnate together."

Little Taotie blinked his eyes with a dazed expression: "I don't quite understand."

Hua Jinyan explained: "This may be related to cause and effect. The two-headed man uses a body, but this body actually belongs to the elder brother, and the younger brother wants to cut off the elder brother's head. What happened in the end is that the elder brother's head was cut off. It was cut off, but my brother was alive, but he died, because that body was not his in the first place, without the help of my brother's head, he couldn't use that body at all."

Little Taotie seemed to understand: "You said that, I understand a little bit, that is to say, when my younger brother was reincarnated, he was reincarnated with only one head, which was parasitic on his elder brother, but he cut off his elder brother's head. That body would not be able to help him survive, so he died, and according to Guicha's book, my brother is not yet dead, so my brother is alive."

Uncle Guicha clapped his hands: "Yes, that's almost what it means."

"What experiment?" Little Taotie was puzzled.

Uncle Guicha shrugged: "It seems to be possible, but it won't last long, so it's still an experiment, and it didn't succeed. Specifically, I still have to ask those A Piao who died because of the experiment. I'll find some A Piao. Ask yourself."

Little Taotie blinked his eyes and doubted his ears: "You can also change the head? Can you still live with a broken neck?"

Lu Yuan was thoughtful: "This mission of Lao Tie seems to be to investigate a laboratory."

They are gamblers, they lost themselves and became experimental subjects.

Hua Jinyan: "Then connect them in series. He was discovered by the murderer because of the investigation of the laboratory, and finally became an experimental subject."

"These two were still queuing up for reincarnation, but I want to catch them. There are 15 minutes. Hurry up, you can't delay the reincarnation time."

The two Ah Piao didn't know much about it, it was indeed a head-changing experiment.

Uncle Guicha floated away like a gust of strong wind, holding the two Apiao with both hands, and came back whistling with the sound of the wind.

Uncle Guicha sighed: "That experiment is to change heads."

Uncle Ghost Escort: "You may not know that the belt has spread among our ghost agents. Recently, humans are conducting an experiment, and we have taken away several people who died because of this experiment."

Lu Yuan on the side suddenly asked: "You mean experiment?"

Little Taotie repeated Uncle Guicha's words to Lu Yuan.

"But what... does this have anything to do with Uncle Tie's matter?" Little Taotie was puzzled.

They have to take injections and medicine every day. When they are awake, they eat, drink and lax, and then fall into a coma.

A Piao stared at Uncle Tie and scratched his head: "I seem to... have seen him before, in the laboratory, he seems to be..."

"That's right! I remembered! It's a meal delivery!"

"He is delivering food to our experimental subjects! He is very tall. Although he is wearing a mask, I can recognize him. It is him!"

(End of this chapter)

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