The real daughter, Xiaotaotie, became popular in the entertainment industry

Chapter 1937 Civil turmoil among those involved in the experiment

Chapter 1937 Civil turmoil among those involved in the experiment
Countless people in white coats ran anxiously in the cabin, communicating in different languages ​​from various countries, and they all wore translation earphones.

"How could this be! He can't die!"

"Even if he is just unconscious, it represents a big step forward for our experiment. He can't just die like this!"

"Sir, we have invested so much money, and we still haven't been able to give a satisfactory result. We just got some results this time, so we can't let things happen again!"

"Mr. is almost losing confidence."

"If this experiment fails again and there is no progress, Mr. will withdraw the funds at any time."

"Mr. has been driven crazy by the illness. If you can't see the results and hope this year, let alone divestment, the people who participated in this experiment..."

"Is he going to kill someone to silence him?"

"It's not impossible!"

"We have no way out. If the experiment is not successful, we will die!"

"Are you trying to lie to Mr.?"

The young man sneered: "I haven't seen him, I just heard you old guys say how powerful he is, and he spreads like a god, isn't it just a rich man who paid us to hire us."

"Save people!!!"

The young man looked at the person who interrupted the old man in the white coat. He was a middle-aged man, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, a pair of blue-green pupils, but black hair.

The young man's gaze swept across the crowd calmly, and his voice was deep and convincing: "We gave Mr. the progress of the experiment, and we have the final say on whether the person is dead or not. If we say he is not dead, he is not dead."

"He's not dead."

A rather old man in a white coat fell to the ground and couldn't stand up. He gasped, "It's over... dead."


"You are crazy!"

A young man in a white coat stood up with a calm voice: "He's still alive."

"Enough!" someone interrupted him.

This is a mixed race.

"Do you know who Mister is? We can't fool him at all!"

Everyone looked at him in disbelief, thinking the kid was crazy.

The elderly white coat sitting on the ground immediately closed his mouth.

"He had muscular dystrophy, and he invented..."

The young man looked at him seriously, with a hint of threat in his calm tone: "He is as powerful as you said, do you think we can survive? If it is useless, it will be dealt with. He has money and can Please be more useful and famous, perhaps the winner of this year's NB Hall Award, or the top student of H Buddha..."

"Enough, don't scare us anymore, and don't encourage us anymore. Our experiment is not a complete failure, at least this time we have made progress. Every time before, on the operating table, both of them would die. But this time is different, the experiment is over, only One died, and the other became a vegetative and fell into a coma, but no one knows whether the vegetative will wake up, this is the hope, the next operation will accumulate experience and be more successful than this time."

"You will succeed if you say it will succeed? Do you think the gentleman you mentioned will still believe us?" The young white coat pointed to the patient who had completely died, and sneered: "He is dead, our operation is Failure."

"The operation wasn't a complete failure—"

The young man interrupted impatiently: "Stop making excuses for failure, those rich capitalists never look at the process, they only care about the result! He wants to change his head because of muscular dystrophy that caused his neck I can’t even move anymore, I want a healthy and active body, and I want to become a normal person. We are all people who have practiced medicine for many years, so I asked, how much time can he wait for such a patient? How much patience does the patient have? His temper is not very good, such a rich man will only have a worse temper."

(End of this chapter)

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