Chapter 1939
The young man who had always been a bystander finally spoke, his voice was so calm and terrifying: "What else can happen? It is impossible for us to go back safely. Maybe we were buried in the sea and fed the fish."

"Ah!" One person couldn't stand it and yelled, hugging his head and crying: "I'm afraid of death, I don't want to die, what did I do wrong, why should I die, I just participated in an experiment..."

The young man said quietly: "What did we do wrong? It was nothing more than letting those experimental subjects die on the operating table. I don't know how many people died before I came here, but since I came here, I have counted them every day. At least 30 people, tsk, more than 500 people have died since I came here."

"Shut up! Shut up!" The middle-aged mixed-race glared at the young man angrily. He had already come to his senses. The current situation was all because of this kid!

This kid is instigating!
What is the purpose of this kid!
"Shut up?" The young man smiled, his smile was cold, and his eyes were cold: "I belong to the new group of people. If I want to change, I must be the first choice, right? You can really shut me up, can you?" Shut up a lot of us."

As soon as this remark came out, some young people in white coats, or a group of people who had just boarded the ship, became angry.

Someone rushed over and punched and kicked the middle-aged mixed-blood: "When did you receive the letter? You knew that we would die if this experiment failed? You will be fine, sir, you are very important. Letters are written to you! You think you can live!"

"If we want to die, we will drag you to die together!"

"I'll kill you right now!" A man in a white coat with red eyes picked up the scalpel on the table and stabbed it at the middle-aged mixed-race's neck.

These are genius doctors who know every nerve in the human body like the back of their hands.

The out-of-control white coat was stunned for a moment, the scalpel in his hand fell to the ground, his emotions gradually stabilized, his eyes became brighter and brighter, and he saw hope.

"If he dies, we really have no hope at all." The young man lowered his voice: "He is alive, and he can still keep in touch with Mr., telling him that the vegetable is still alive and is still under observation."

The out-of-control white coat yelled: "Then why are you stopping me! I'm going to kill him! Even if he dies, I'll pull him back!"

This knife will cut off the aorta directly.

Fortunately, as soon as the young man grasped the wrist of the out-of-control white coat, he said coldly, "He can't die yet."

The young man shrugged: "You know, I was the first to stand up against him. If he benefits me, can I stand up?"

"Are you still helping him?" The out-of-control white coat roared, "Did you take his favor?"

"Yes! He can't die!" The old white coat also reacted: "Mr. believes him very much. As long as he says that the vegetative person is not dead, Mr. will believe it! If he dies, none of us can escape!"

A female in a white coat picked up the scissors against the middle-aged mixed-race heart, and threatened in a cold voice: "Call sir now and tell him that the vital signs of the vegetative are a little weak."

"This... can it work?" Someone frowned, not quite agreeing.

"If you say everything is fine, it would be suspicious." The female white coat narrowed her eyes and said darkly: "The vital signs of the vegetative person are unstable. We are studying and summarizing experience and need to perform a new operation. Then before the next operation fails , we are all safe."

(End of this chapter)

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